The Risen Curtain - Chapter 16: The Interview - Magecraft & Magic
"yeah, you can say that in this point the transference of magic crest is exactly like the transference of an organ. it _needs_ to have compatibility, and the chances of rejection are high, even between close relatives." vicky nodded.
Once upon a time
They tried to just quickly kill a person and transfer the soul in, but it did not work, they thought you needed to torture the souls body, then, they began to, spikes, fires, acid, you fucking name it, they used it, i was just four fucking teen, they thought
Bright Eyes Never Die pt. 5 - Stripped Gloves
I just transfered from upstate." "this might seam like a random question, but would you like to walk around with me?" the girl looked around at her friends and shrugged, "okay." the wolf got up, dusted off her pants and went with ares.
He transferred the stone to mine and some money to his. everyone won. _ to this day, we still remember the unova league disqualification as our greatest achievement and stroke of luck.
Anne-Marie's secret past.
He'll be transferred publicly, her in secret. \>somewhere in the midwest. \>far away from her old life. \>have to start a new band, leave her old mates behind. \>it sucks. \>but revenge is sweet. \>an epilogue. \>end of a set.
File #4
The new chief tactical officer had recently transferred from the u.s.s. starfalcon, within 12th expeditionary fleet. it was a young officer of a species that nobody on the warrior had ever encountered before, lieutenant strato reyner.
Madkat Chance, Part 1 [COM/STORY]
As the toy jester laughed out loud with his sinister voice, the yellow glimmer that surrounded the jack-in-the-box was being transferred into chance's body. who was now unable to control his limbs. "you won't get away with this, madkat!"
Hunter of Worlds: Phase1-Chapter2
transferring now. do you have visual?"_ **_".... this can't be right."_** _"what do you mean??"_ **_"the files, they're wrong. look at me, i'm all black.. and i'm.. a dog."_** _"yes.
D.E1 Chapter 34 Desertion
Silver watched closely as cobalt finally managed to transfer the encoded information into the screen. "done," cobalt confirmed. she didn't sound sure, since she didn't know what was supposed to show on screen.
D.E1 Chapter 31 Lone Great Canine
In the past week, they had been giving the evocanis last instructions on their new defense systems, as well as transferring the d.e cruisers that were still unfinished, to the industrial docks in canis major. somehow this felt wrong.
TteotMBD Chapter 11: The Silver Dragon
I know now that stormsun is not able to transfer his soul into my body, neither that of the dark silver dragon either. the silver dragon is a bigger threat than stormsun ever could have been.
Tales of the Huntsville Mayors #8- The Ides of December
When questioned about her stake in the team, now, she let the press know that all of jackson's estate transferred to their son, taylor, due to an agreement they had made years ago in the event of either of their deaths.