None and Much the Richer

The station was at a twenty-four hour rotation. the ward room was currently facing away from the planet. but the globe would soon be coming back into view. "silly.


School for the Holidays

Right now the gold and white tiger was at the train station, waiting for his train to arrive. as he approached the gates, he was so excited he wasn't watching when he walked into someone.

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Routine Maintenance

Which meant it was back to transporting military supplies to the galrep garrison on lighthouse station.

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Fondest Farewell

I sat staring at the tracks, the fox staring at the roof of the station, both of us changing our views to look to the right, hearing the rumble of an approaching train.

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Echoes Chapter 12

They have a general idea as to what happened on the aura station, but they want to debrief you immediately." jack examined the man, then asked "and if we refuse?"

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It Started With Toast - Chapt 8

The station intercom spoke as the main door opened. my ship slowly lifted off the ground, the station lights making the greens and oranges shine like neon.

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It Started With Toast - Chapt 7

The station intercom spoke as the main door opened. my ship slowly lifted off the ground, the station lights making the greens and oranges shine like neon.


It Started With Toast - Chapt 6.txt

Looking out of it i hear the intercom go off ship 1 leaving station having a confused look on my face i notice a space ship flying away from the station.

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The Purple Space Caterpillar - Part 1

The only reason he needed to return to the station for that was because he could only connect a long distance call like that from the subspace relay on the station.

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Ten Miles to Austin. Chapter 1.

Turning from the sign, he headed for the dim petrol station and came under its high, square canopy in time for more taps of rain to sound against the metal cover.

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Chapter V: Wishmaster, Part Two

Dwight said as he saw the large central tube in the middle of the stations gathering area.

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Pretty in Pink

He began moving along the neat rows of specimen pots, recording changes and sending the data to the station's server for processing.

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