Power Fur Rangers- Episode 13

If he has some time at being himself spell free then when i enchant him again he will be back to when the spell was first placed." the evil empress said.

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Realms of Valeron - Chapter 12

Some kind of spell that could be useful here, a pvp ability that he had picked up during levelling. he glanced from spell to spell. "not yet" replied brakka, glancing back towards his underling. "we have to give them a chance first."

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Nightmare, Nightmare Chapter 6

What if that was all caused by a brainwashing spell done by spell nexus or even nightmare moon herself? what if the blood was meant to give nightmare moon the power to control you, to influence you?



Kickaha looked around the little wood building where chloe practiced her spells. at least as a familiar, he didn't necessarily need to know how things worked.

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Black Magic - Chapter Eight: Escape From The Den Of Betrayal

Beck, often having ended up as my hapless assistant, picked up a few spells over the years as well, though i do believe that she specializes only in spells that augment and increase her already frightening physical abilities.

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Sparkles and Scales

It must have been a simple spell, otherwise why would the examiners have given her the task? yet it was a simple spell that twilight couldn't even begin to fathom. twilight's cheeks burned as she heard the scribbling of the judge's pencils.

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Destiny Intertwined, Magic, combat and friendship

spells flitted through her mind as she watched the wolf. if he didn't go away soon, the sun would come up and the silver in her fur would be a dead give away. and, with the spell-crafting words came a flicker of uncertainty.

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Beast's & Crystal Beast's Vs Hero's & Synchro's

For every continuous spell card on the field you guy's lose three hundred." "but you have no continuous spell cards field." jeff said "actually i do, my amber crystal counts as a continuous spell card."

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Beast & Crystal Beast Vs Heros & Synchros

For every continuous spell card on the field you guy's lose three hundred." "but you have no continuous spell cards field." jeff said "actually i do, my amber crystal counts as a continuous spell card."

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Levels (Kreet 49)

Though they may not be as strong as the actual spells, they were still useful. she knew that she could now cast more of the spells she had always known since the monastery, but it took longer to feel the new spells that were open to her.

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A Katta Named Shema

"you've got your typical good fortune spells, keeping your enemies away spells, money attractors, love spells... i don't think you need help with that one. feel free to look between them and tell me if any of them catches your attention". "hey!"

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Dizzy Twister 4: Moving in

All we need to do is get you to control the amount of power you put behind your spells and make sure you can cut the power from your spell." colin explained. "um, what do you mean by 'cut the power from a spell'?" twilight asked.

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