Vince and Rocky: Chapter 5
"must be that busy schedule of yours. you're _always_ busy... i kinda feel like we don't really see each other much anymore..." his voice trailed off.
Goldheart - Issue 2 - Goldheart Pt2 - The Perils Of Heroism
Auro luckily knew the building, it was a tall skyscraper and was scheduled for demolition in two weeks. looking over an array of weapons, auro chose a small metal cylinder, about an inch in diameter.
Vince and Rocky: PART FIVE
"must be that busy schedule of yours. you're _always_ busy... i kinda feel like we don't really see each other much anymore..." his voice trailed off.
Let's Speed Things Up Here!
Remember when i mentioned my update schedule? a whole three paragraphs ago? well, this is where that comes in. you see, for every $20 i receive on paypal, i'll put a new chapter up.
In between their schedule of learning all sorts of useful engineering and helping our glorious government, it's a wonder more of them don't get lost in their studies forever!
My Story
I jumped from the noise and cursed to myself for falling behind schedule. i quickly grabbed a midnight blue longsleeve t-shirt and a pair og olive green pants almost tripping as i put them on hurriedly.
Black Sheets
With his schedule in paw he made his way to his locker, once he finally got it opened he was spun around and was looking at a lion. "give me your money nub."
We Regret to Inform You of a Funeral Cancellation
They bought a discount casket and a requiem was said for the funeral was scheduled, for burying the dead. well the preacher called for piety and prayers for the deceased till the gravedigger came running, for to interrupt the priest.
Beneath the Obsidian Veil, Prologue
I don't have a regular update schedule, so please excuse me if i don't update for a month or so. otherwise, enjoy! in a vibrant world where there's only chaos and sickness, there existed a dark-colored wolf named nolan.
Red's Interesting Day Part 1
His favorite show wasn't on, nothing he could find on the tv was good either, stupid weekend schedule. the puppy needed something to do and the more he thought about it the more options he could think up.
Of Hate and Attraction: Prologue
Along with scarlet, is her boyfriend lex, who is a lion and one creepy thing is, they know each other's schedules....creepy!! anyway, we all sit at the same table together except for clarisse, but we still have a good time.
Abuse - Introduction/Preview
**author's notes to reader** : _i'm sorry guys, but i finished this introduction/preview ahead of schedule and couldn't wait to upload it to show you guys!