Black Sheets

Story by Kaz Jolley on SoFurry

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Black Sheets

Kay- A brown bear that is 5"6" and a little on the chubby side but still cute.

Austin- A 5"6" wolf with white fur and an athlete (track)

*beep beep*...*beep beep* Forgotten to turn off his alarm, Kay went to his bedside table and turned his alarm off

"Shut up!!!"

Yelling at his alarm clock. After he finished messing with the most insufferable piece of technology in the world, he went back to the task of getting dress, by grabbing an "x-fur" t-shirt he threw it on and headed to the bathroom to brush his teeth. While brushing his teeth he looked at himself to see how he looked on his first day of school, he didn't look bad with his blue jeans and his shirt, after he was done with his teeth he examined himself very closely by making sure that there were no toothpaste on his maw and fur then he was off. This will be his first time gong to a public school cause he was always homed school but this year he is going to try to make some friends and have fun but little did he expect, he found more. Walking up to his new school, "Calvin Colt's High School", he didn't expect it was going to be big, he knew it was big but not huge. Walking through the big double door he saw that the school was much more than just what he heard about. By making his way to the administrative office he found out that it was hard to get to the office even though school haven't even started yet.

With his schedule in paw he made his way to his locker, once he finally got it opened he was spun around and was looking at a lion.

"Give me your money nub."

Kay couldn't believe it; he was being bullied for the first time ever, and when the lion grabbed Kay's shirt told him in an acidic tone

"NOW or ELSE!!"

Then suddenly a arm war around the lions' neck and he was startled, he was even more scared when he heard who was behind him

"Hello Steve, what are you doing?"

"Oh hi Austin, I was just....."

But Austin cut him off

"Oh no, I see what you were doing you were about to leave right, STEVE."

Then suddenly the lion was gone. Kay looked at his savior, he was a wolf and not just any wolf he is white and his eyes were as though they were two sapphires and most of all he was really handsome.

"The names' Austin, Austin Blake."

Said the wolf with a semi bass and baritone mixture of a voice.

"Kay...Kay Brach."


Well that is part one of Black Sheets I hope that u all enjoyed