dark angel part 5

His ruby eyes stared into the luscious, green meadow before him, the golden light played with the shadows, the color filled blooms seemed to throw a cascade of beauty onto the green field "damn you balor, why did you choose her?

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Daemon Hunter Moushigo - Chapter 2

A ruby glimmered in the center of the pendant. to those putting faith in galia, the ruby represented the spirit moira. moira, the goddess of the silver moon, was the patron spirit of many ancient dragoon tribes. lin holds it out to her young friend.

Pt 10 - The Druid's Promise

She then got down on one knee, holding out a bracer made of vines, with little rubies in it that looked like goodberries, and a lily placed right at the clasp.

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Ragnarok - XIX

And there a wandering insomniac crossing the street against the traffic light that shouted orders to an empty world and flashed ruby and emerald down upon the silent crossroads.

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Cousin Amber- Release Terms

I mean ruby i can believe cause she's made it no secret that she wants to retire in a few years so that she can go raise a family and all, but jet? threatened to destroy the entire building if they mobilized against you just for leaving."


In Darkness I Hurt You

The determined ruby gaze yu gave him, left eye bruised after saving the wolf from some high school thugs. 'i'll protect you no matter what, i prom-, no i swear it' but yu didn't. yu wasn't around to comfort him after the accident.

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New Allies and Not Too Late

The ruby-red alimon smiled and said "i'm glad to her you say that father." his hand that was on her neck then moved to her chin, and he guided her face so she was now looking at him, and then he opened his mouth.

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Heart of Ice Ch.23

"do you think i don't notice a small black box with two ruby rings in it while i'm cleaning your room? honestly markus, hiding secrets from us isn't your strongest department," she said, smiling devilishly.

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Murder at the Speed of Life #1

The last time gang-members had a shoot-out, it involved rubies and snake-like monsters from a parallel world known as _the abyss_. "[\*in: "_cry me a murder"_]. "rubies?" i yanked the paper out of kamryn's hand, sweating profoundly.

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- Celesteon - Reunion Arc - Ch. 9

Topaz and sid will have to discuss this with ruby, aqua and amy. if they agree then all we have to do is decide when you want to make it happen, but if they don't agree then i'm afraid we will just have to live without.

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The Shadow and The Angel

He arose from the shadows of death's door, blue eyes, ruby gold spilled upon the floor. lifeblood dripped down from marks on his wrist, colors of newfound shades and hues now exist.

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The Hyena Prince: Chapter 2

They were dressed in gold, sapphire, ruby, and turquoise. the males exposed their chests and bellies, while the females wore garments that exposed their breasts and arms, but covered everything between the breasts and the mid calf.

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