beginning anew, past forgoten 2: turning the coals
Ryan wore the more balanced rapter armor and had equipped the tdi vector submachine gun with a reflex sight. he carried the beretta model 93r three round burst automatic pistol for back up; as well as, two m18 claymores.
An Introduction to a New Series
Some half-breeds have as little as enhanced reflexes, strength, and even tails and ears characteristic of mammals, while others are fully hybridized, essentially looking like anthropomorphic representations of their respective mammalian race.
chapter 25
Sammael said that out of reflex, and he quickly got scared and cowered, which eshdar stood up with the confused ifrit and said, "(you know, there's a long story while
A Place to Belong - Chapter 9
When i finished i couldn't help but to screw up my face and stick out my tongue in disgust as a reflex.
Nala's Venture: Crises of Faith
"i knew wild lions would have better reflexes, but i didn't even see you turn around. do you often get ambushed?" uzuri sounded more tickled than offended and relief flooded through nala. nala shook her head without thinking.
Expectations Subverted
He would deny it later, but he winced reflexively when she suddenly snapped the book shut, and moved her blade from her shield to the scabbard at her side and gave a sort of bow to him.
Plot of Mission Earth
They have quick eyes, good reflexes, great hearing and have abilities nobody has heard of. they have one weakness, though: they are not as ingenious as humans.
Lab Accident
He tested it reflexively and then hal thought that it would be a great balance for the rest of him when swimming. he sighed and shook the thought reluctantly from his head. the antidote was of better concern right now.
The Final Fight
The reflex was like a poisonous bite from a snake. the only thing that was registered, was that richard's hand was on the assailant's chest, and the knife in richards right side of his chest. richard slumped slightly, blood leaking from the wound.
Night Of The Lepi
Species of alien know for their quick reflexes and flighty natures. an ilustration of the singer in this story can be seen at this link this story was originally a submission to furaffinity's thursday prompt writing group.
Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 75
He closed his eye on pure reflex, but the arrow shaft was in the way, stopping him from closing it completely.
Henry Rider: Clown Hunter, Chapter Nineteen
But the dragon wasn't the only one with good reflexes. channeling magic into my shoes, i launched myself up and forward, narrowly dodging the geyser of filth. i landed, skidding across the muddy ground like a trash surfer.