Inquiry into the sinking of the H.M.S. Thunder Child

Thunder child** **first-hand witness present for interview** **5,600 tons** **298ft.

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Care Bear Magi Life Chapter 42

gift bear and healer bear shouted together and toddled over to love heart as fast as they could. gift tripped over an exposed root and fell on her face.

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Papa, what is Christmas?

They had all opened their annual gift of festive footie pj's.. covered in red & white stripes, this year's pj's made them look like a bunch of candy canes.

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Canvas and Melody - Prologue

Both students appreciate the other's gifts, but can't stand it when they cross each other's paths. music class was hell for the wolf, as was art for the skunk. they had their impairments in these fields, but they also had their gifts in the other.

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Clipped Wings

They were your parting gifts, and as long as you were still here on earth, the proper time had not come to reveal them.


Be My Master

Or would you like to see a few of the gifts that i was given." "ooh, yeah. show me some of the gifts you got. im too excited to sleep yet, haha." he jumped up and ran across the room, eager to see what jess got.

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A Dragon for Christmas Part Five: A New Life

"tyson, why don't you open your other gifts? your father and your brother won't be gone that long." "okay mommy" tyson squeaked. and he proceeded to open up another of his gifts. kilmor crawled his way after roger and followed him into a room.

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Birthright: Chapter Two

From there only a few spared death and trained in assassination, their gift making them killers without equal. control came carefully as the gift of a seer made them unpredictable and immune to prophecy and fate.

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Stuck Together Christmas "Special"

I can always use more help, though, and if either of you would be willing to assist, i have left some additional gifts with you that can be used to ensure that you are suited for the work.

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Academia - Part 2

"oh, it's just that, called them gifts. my parents...they certainly didn't see what i can do as any kind of gift." "i'm sorry to hear that," dylan remarked sincerely, leaning a bit closer. "but listen to me.

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A Fluffy Christmas Miracle

I've had to take back the gifts of multiple naughty children who tried to stay up to catch me." santa then winked. "don't tell anyone, but i've never actually taken back a single gift, i don't have it in me.

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Foxyote Hunting

Or would have if the gift shop could have located it... instead they kept trying to sell him dan's picture! kickaha stopped near the keychain section of the gift shop. he started to look through them then paused as he noticed something strange.

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