A Cafe in Sackville

"do you know what this means?" there was a pause as erwin didn't reply. the wonderstruck sugar glider pressed on, "this means snow men, erwin. this means snowball fights. this means sledding. this means hot chocolate by the fire."

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All Things Quiet And Sweet Alt Ending 6 - Twenty Percent Cooler

What do you mean waifu, i can't marry a pony!" "i don't mean that silly, just come on! you can make lotsa new friends and be happy!" "pinkie piiiiiiie!"

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Path of a Legend Chapter 1

"i don't understand its meaning and every time i have it, i am terrified. my body freezes and i feel short of breath. i wake up screaming." "star i don't mean to pry or anything but maybe you should talk to mom or dad about it.

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Bull an' Fox -02 We meet Tim, a Fox

I mean havin' somebody sittin' there at table. even if they weren't sayin' anythin', i wasn't sayin' anythin'.

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[SFW] Squirrelly Days #001 - Kion

Shiba is the combination of the word shi, meaning needle, or needle like, and ba, meaning tree or tree like. thus shiba means needle tree.

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Departure and Returning

"what's that suppose to mean?" she asked turning around to face the others. they all looked at the mother in response giving fake worried smiles. "w-what do you mean mother amaterasu?" asked yumigami.

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Grease Monkey Ch.7

"what does this mean? in simple terms please."

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Werefox's Dillema- Chapter 12

I'm almost half worried that song has no means of understanding human speech as the song's intensity remains the same for a while and then it suddenly dies out, causing a small smile to cross my face. song's game which means it's time i get started.

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Somewhere Out There Act 20 - Drown

And when i mean heavily adultery, i mean _ **heavily** _. there was next to no character, no development, no real relationships or progress. just a bunch of fetish porn, really.

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MHO - Cult of the Crimson Isles - Chapter 3

"aww, i see what you mean!" "so... you've actually had contact with one, huh? damn, here i was thinking they made them up." "i mean, it's entirely possible they're still exaggerating.

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