Ander - Chapter 1, Subchapter 26

Your whole life is a lie! your very _blood_ is a lie!" blood dripped from banno's snout with every word, and ander couldn't even tell whose blood it was anymore. there was blood everywhere, inside and out. blood of hunter and prey. of friend and foe.

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Dante's Awakening Chapter 2

Don't you dare lie to me!" rena lost what little control she was hanging onto. she walked over to dante and grabbed hold of the rope that was looped around him and readied herself for what she was about to do.


Dante's Awakening. Chapter 2

Don't you dare lie to me!" rena lost what little control she was hanging onto. she walked over to dante and grabbed a hold of the rope that was looped around him and readied herself for what she was about to do.

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Merry Christmas!! :)

I'll just lie down here, i guess... there isn't much what i can do anyways. just, lie down, and maybe sleep... i slowly close my eyes, and drift off to sleep, when suddenly, i hear my bedroom door open slowly. "hey there, zack? how's it going?"

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I put my phone in front of me and lie my head back down. if i were to look at myself from above, i'd be sure i was staring at a picture, neither of us moved the slightest bit.

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Golden Age: chapter 7: the Self-aware Hound

It was the one sure sign that the cadmean vixen is lying. either way, the apology was done and over with, and my idea of our place clearer for it.

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1000 Words: Apex Predator

She lies still and holds her breath, knowing that the snake means to suffocate her, and that her struggles would only speed that up. her only hope lies with her one remaining sibling and his frantic calls for help. their mother could still save them!

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The Dragon Lord - Chapter 3: Emotions

"i was just going to go outside for a breath of fresh air, all this heat was starting to make me feel ill" krathlor replied, lying as he went. "are you sure? i don't like my pets lying to me" draeg cautioned.

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Ander - Part 4: Subchapter 10

"do not lie to me, do not lie to yourself, and do not feel guilty for feeling hatred towards one who deserves it!!"

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Black Magic - Chapter Nine: To A Safer Place

Though she was a noblewoman from the distant lands of jenohva and was accustomed to fabricating fascinating lies, just like every politician is, she wasn't very good at lying to her close friends and family.

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Rhysoning With One's Heart- Chapter 2- The Road to Recovery is Always Harsh

Tatsuya sat down and sighed, he probably also knew i was lying, which reminded me of what he once said, "rhys you suck at lying, even a stunky would be able to smell you lying, and they smell pretty bad when they lie."

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Journey to another wold ch17

"well you see jenavee, not everything that i have told you about my past is a lie. most of it's true." "then what part is a lie?" i took a long sigh and looked up through the canopy of tree leaves and frowned.

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