Red VS Green! Storm Forth, Red-Eyes Black Dragon!
The dragon's only movement was to make a strange sign with its hands, and the ten luminous orbs on its back shot forward and rained as giant spears of light that pierced the flesh of kousen's dragon, causing each of its heads to let out horrific pained cries
The Digital Chronicles, Journal 1
The cause of the shooting star seemed to be rising up the hole, but it was still shining; shouldn't it not be luminous anymore? then again, with the current events, i was about willing to believe anything.
Ghost in the Stones 1 - Ghost and Rabbit
"you are remarkable, but not all in flattering ways," she sighed, then gestured once more to the luminous stones around the hut, "these stones are both my shelter and cage.
After inari finished uttering these words; a set of luminous orbs bound in the shape of two separate rings surrounded gervase and trapped him within a literal orb of fire.
The Edge of Sapphire - Chapter 7 - Inversions
She smiled at him (perhaps more of a smirk than a smile, actually) with silvery-grey eyes that shon almost with an inner luminous quality. she looked vaguely familliar, though he couldn't place from where. "and you would be?"
Antithesis, Opposites United
The ball of energy that surged towards the lion was pitch black, the mark of the dark powers, but it seemed strangely luminous, like liquid obsidian in the sunlight.
Indigo Nights- Chapter 21: The Zenith
The energy causes the flames on phoenix's mane to extinguish and the luminance in zephyr's ruby eyes to dim deep garnet.
Love, Death and Dragons
Of meat out of the deerskin and all, a shadow falls over you. too big to be a man you turn slowly you drop the shiv you try to run you don't get far the dragon hunkers down and now you are here literally a play-thing in the hand of the dragon, it's almost luminous
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book IV Chapter 16
Eventually his eyes adjusted to the night, discerning faint, dim luminance of his surroundings, a basic version of nocturnal vision. hours spent in a completely dark cell had also one unpleasant consequence. his eyes became weaker.
The Coffin: Part 4
He held up one of the luminous gems, shining the bluish light through this forgotten chapel. his footfalls echoed as marcus took the stone stairs into the forest of ancient pews.
Balto 4 (Pt. 3)
Storm could see the white wolf sleeping peacefully in her cage, her with an almost luminous quality to it. "hey." he said quietly, tapping one of his claws on the concrete floor. aniu's ear twitched, but she remained asleep. "hey, aniu!"
The Art of Mingling
luminous, solstice, illustrious ... and half the furs on arctic and yellowknife. they 'defected,' you could say. we only recently got their 'banishment' repealed. they can all come back, now, but ... so far, none of them have.