The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 43
A galactic of blinking, heavenly stars flashed before her eyes, calming her down like the most wonderful of lullaby.
Zootopia: First Salvo 12
"i don't usually go to bed without playing one of her "lullaby for cubs" songs. she's irreplaceable." "it's the way of things." jackson replied. "younger mammals probably have their own singers they like. every generation has their special idols.
Empty Basket
Melinda pushed the door shut and crept past her sleeping nieces and nephews, her footsteps further muffled bythe antique record player in the corner humming out a lullaby on loop.
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 41
The longer she looked into those glimmering eyes the more she believed that spyro's humming started to take on a more comforting tone, shifting into a calming lullaby at first to eventually shift into a gossiping whisper of group of souls that clearly
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VI Chapter 5
"sing me that lullaby dad" she whispered, voice shutting down, sound that stronger and weaker alternately, tone dictated by her fighting with sleep eyelids "i thought you hated my singing" father rasped, hand never stopping petting her "i want to hear it
Heart of the Forest ~ Chapter 15
"grandma noma used to sing a little song to me when i was puppy, a little lullaby to help me sleep. it was one of your songs. do you remember it?" he frowned. his lips, silent, formed a word. _"sleep you soft, little wolf, sleep you long
- Celesteon - Reunion Arc - Ch. 1
He heard a humming sound coming from aqua and immediately recognized it as a lullaby. 'i am so glad pearl was able to meet aqua. she is like the mother pearl never had. maybe it's best to let pearl stay with them.
The Parable of the Three Dragons
The canopy of kapok trees was her blanket and the stirring of forest creatures her lullaby. she awoke with that same peace resting in her soul.
Kaiju ga Gotoku 1.1 - The City That Never Sleeps
A voice would call out, a car would pass, causing the streets to rumble forming a lullaby for those like him. he rarely dreamt if ever, yet the city never did.
Across The World 1 - The Sun and the Moon
The smell of the sea brought back treacherous memories, but he shook them off on hearing the much calmer ebb and flow which started to soothe him like a lullaby whilst shifting the belt of his holster to set comfortably against his left thigh.
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book IV Chapter 14
"that song you sang" cynder continued, her voice filled with hurt and curiosity, she felt like she was putting her head through some dark crack in the wall, above which, on the other side, a sharp clever awaited her "is it a lullaby you used to sing to me?
Memories of the Beginning
The ambient rhythms of the forest played their lullaby, coaxing eevee's eyes closed as he rested against his fluffy tail.