Paradise and Coffee

As he was racing on a strange course where the track not only crested a rather wild hill but also made a turn at the same time directly in front of the bleachers. jack came racing down the hill just before it and shot up that hill.

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Wolfen - Chapter 21

When nobody answered him, he crawled up to the top of the hill and looked over. he nearly passed out in fear at what he saw. at the bottom of the hill, there was a huge black creature whose body was covered in scales and horns.

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MLP:FiM: Chapture 6: Though The Looking Glass

Him in the face several times before lifting him up above him and bucking up back down the hill.

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Journey to another world ch48

The first platform i came to the guy was so terrified of my passing that he jumped off the hill and fell down to the water a few feet below. "no brakes. watch out!!!" i shouted as i came to the next guy on the hill leading down to the ground below.

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Simba the Red-nosed Plain Deer: An "Exchange" Christmas Story

"at the bottom of the hill. where else?" "yes, but... where is the hill?" simba looked around and saw what bambi was talking about. the ground around them looked fairly level with no obvious signs of any hills.

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Skylands: the Scorpion Spear, Part One - “Saeldrin”, Chapter Five: Worshipping Death

Ahead of them, the canyons widened and sprawled through the ebbing hills and the tundra as night fell. beyond them raged a wall of storm clouds. behind them, wolves howled.

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A Patient Death 27: The Predator Strait

Breeze said, motioning down the hill. at the base of the gentle hill, a long oared ferryboat had docked at the wharf.

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Alabaster and the Ring of Winter - Chapter 1 - The Midsummer Festival

They heard terrance's laboured breath as the otter crested the hill, panting and wheezing as he did.

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Ander - Chapter 1, Subchapter 33

The winding paths lined with rows of juniper bushes, snaking their way through the rolling hills randomly dotted with trees of apple and orange, the long, green grass rippling with the wind. and somewhere, over the crest of one of those hills...

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Christmas on the Ice Mountains

I had used most of the sand supply to get the train up the hill, so there was very little left to give us traction on the way down.

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Drako Tygon- chapter 3

A metallic army beneath a hill, with two men on the top of the hill, one with an enlarged cranium, the other in a dark cloak, his sword gleaming in the evening sun.

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Star Fox Reborn Chapter Two

The land slanted up about a hundred meters ahead; from the top of the hill, the temple could be seen roughly a quarter mile away. a valley separated the hill and the temple; the temple seemed to be built with a view of the ocean.

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