Hellhounds: Bait

henri shrugged. "no need to make this situation more complicated than it needs to be. when we find stollik, we kill him. pure and simple." "that's a shame. i thought you wanted us to torture him like you do to your other victims?"

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Shifting Shadows- A Character Study, Odd Perspective

"shadespawn, henry. almost got me." "what? where are you, where is it?" "i'm at the corner of greenwich and fifth. can you come get it? i want to go to bed." "yes, but _where_ is it?"

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Chapter 7

And according to henry, bonnie rarely sleeps well in his dorm room, due to him over-thinking things." "what exactly would this, 'henry', think that bonnie's is overthinking?" mr cawthon began writing everything down.

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Furries University Chapter 7: Downhill Roll

henry but i didn't know a mr. henry townsend, i was like what the fuck man" ryu began to rant to kagome making her giggle at every word that came out. kitsune was staring into ozwot's eyes as they talked.

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An Anthro's Tale-Chapter 16-A Dream Come True

That's when henry decided to kick ferrari where it hurt,on the race track. he wrote a blank check and told his engineers to build a better racing car and beat ferrari at leman's.

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I Met a Modhuman Once

She told me he was a gift from her late father (one henry joanavique), who commissioned daniel's birth during the ku'rani conflict. 3 years later, her father gave daniel to her as a present for her 5th birthday.

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Recovery Efforts Series Appendix

Caird distilleries_ 31 (f) iseabail (iz) {blarmachfoldach, scotland} **black, white speckles white blaze on forehead** _astronomer_ 29 (m) lachlann (lachie) [marie] {bergen, norway} ** ** **black/white marbled ** _author_ 29 (m) henry

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GoD-Ep22-Darkness Civil war-

George winter and edward are 17 year olds and are seniors, tyler vince and jake are 16 year olds and are juniors, lastly henry and james are the 15 year old sophomores.

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Bluejay's Wares (Otherwise Untitled)

~ this was sufficient to draw his attention up from his book as henry volunteered, "part of a priest's regalia." this seemed to pique the canine's interest as the salesman saw his opportunity.


The Final Strike

It was henry...or rather, avoi from what he wanted to be called. "i-is that henry?" elgris asked with a confused look on her face.

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Episode 6: Making a Choice

Connor goes to the library again, doing his casual routine, but also thinking on what he can do to prevent henry's from closing down." *subscribe to the folder to be aware of new episodes and updates!

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The Journal of Krystal

Was), peppy, krystal, sally, wolf, leon, panther, pigma, fang, sonic the hedgehog, princess sally, dulcy, antoine, bunnie, mina, minerva, mina ortex, hazel, ruby, cassandra, naomi, the goddess, renamon, rouge, abigail, terra, miss s, miss b, irana, shadow, henry

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