Chapter Seven - What Now?

On the tv screen, the pilots that had flown the helicopter we'd encountered earlier were being interviewed by a newscast. "so what made you think there were..." the reporter asked, trying not to laugh. "pokémon... on the ground?"

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The Witch, the Train, and the Pocketwatch

Let's see if that news helicopter up there can keep up.

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Sharp Shooter-Chapter 4-The Sun

Soon, i heard the swooshing of helicopter blades and then more boots hitting the ground. five sets of hands detached me from the bloody glue that held me to the ground and placed me in what seemed like a stretcher.

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A Dragon's Tale Genesis-Chapter 8-Eastern Ally

If we heard a helicopter,we would be unable to signal for rescue. not only that,but vc could be lurking anywhere in the jungle.

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Soldiers of War pt. 1 State of Emergency

They were pictures of aerial shots of what looked like russia or chinese made tanks moving in a convoy, an airfield of mig fighter jets and hind helicopters, and artillery guns. "where did these photos come from?" he asked.

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The Adventures of Maz and Arson

The brown and tan dog lay laughing on the floor, having just woken up from a daydream about him and his mate, mazraxa(maz for short) single handedly winning the vietnam war armed only with spoons and a butter powered helicopter made of stone.

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project x (pt 3) the calm before the storm

The three got up to the roof and stared down watching soldiers start puking and dyeing coming back from the dead and climbing on the corpuses to get up to the roof watching helicopters and planes fall out of the skies and soldiers coming up with gas masks.


Baxley 3: new found powers and abilities

Third part of baxley's adventures as baxley drove on the dusty road, listening to the radio, a helicopter flew over his truck. baxley paid no attention to it, thinking it was just taking supplies to the french. he smiled and took a drink of water.

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History and the Journey

A couple of quick phone calls later and the man grabbed his hat and went to the roof where a helicopter was waiting for him. moments later the craft lifted off and disappeared in to the morning fog of london.


Eternal Mortality: The Tutinian Civil War Part One

The air force is the pride and joy of tutinia and with their bombers, fighters and helicopters; they will make quite the problem for marcus and his boys.

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Chiricov- Chapter 4: A Legend Confirmed

We arrived at base to help trey pack, on the helipad, there was a strange, black, stealthy-looking, plane/helicopter crossover. i smiled; i knew that was our ride for tomorrow night. alpha was already becoming interesting.

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Cavernous Storybook CH9: The Game Of Fame

After being banished from tokyo and sent back to mimiga island on a helicopter with mahin in tow, jack went to the local hospital in mimiga village and checked on king, who was still lying in his hospital bed somehow.
