Baxley 3: new found powers and abilities

Story by Fox thief on SoFurry

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third part of Baxley's adventures

As Baxley drove on the dusty road, listening to the radio, a helicopter flew over his truck. Baxley paid no attention to it, thinking it was just taking supplies to the French. He smiled and took a drink of water. A convoy of military trucks, jeeps, and Humvees came driving up the road behind Baxley. Baxley pulled to the side to let them pass, but they didn't, they boxed him in and ordered him to stop.

Baxley complied and pulled off the road. He saw that the military was American. A marine officer got out of one of the Humvees and walked to Baxley's driver side window. "Will you step out of the vehicle, sir", said the man, a tiger with black fur and orange stripes. Baxley opened the door and slowly got out of his truck, arms raised. The tiger told him to put his paws on the hood of the truck and Baxley did as he was told. More soldiers began to get out of their vehicles with guns drawn and pointed at Baxley.

"What's this all about", asked Baxley. The tiger patted Baxley down, stopped for a minute, drew his pistol and instructed Baxley to take all weapons out. Baxley smiled, took off his cloak, and put his dagger and belt on the truck's hood. The tiger took Baxley and cuffed his paws in front of him. "Put his weapons in a secure place, search his vehicle, and meet me back at the lab", the tiger ordered a lion soldier. "Yes colonel", replied the lion. Baxley stood smiling and swishing his tail back and forth. "What are you smiling at", growled the tiger. "The way you can make your soldiers do what you want", replied Baxley. "It's called superiority and I use it when I need to." The tiger guided Baxley to a Humvee and put him inside it.

Baxley looked around the vehicle. "Tight fit, don't you think?" The driver, a brown wolf turned around and shot Baxley with a tranquilizer. "That will keep you asleep until we get you all situated in the lab, but it may take time to worked so until then, shut up." Baxley nodded and started to fidget with his paws. About half an hour later he was beginning to nod on and off and would kick himself to stay awake. "Stop fighting it; you'll soon pass out", said the wolf. Baxley shook himself and glared at the wolf. He soon fell into unconsciousness.

Baxley woke up strapped to a bed, naked with a robe on and in searing pain. "W-what the hell is going on", he asked, not expecting an answer. "We experimented on you, Baxley", said a leopard scientist sitting at a desk organizing papers. "What did you do to me in your 'experiments', eh", replied Baxley. "You'll see soon enough", smiled the scientist. Baxley sniffed. "So, is this all you wanted me for?" The scientist nodded. "Yes, you are the first to actually survive the tests." Baxley blinked. "Wait, you said what about me." The leopard smiled. "Try lifting that book on my desk", he said pointing to the book. Baxley stared at him. "What?"

"Lift the book", repeated the scientist. Baxley shrugged and looked at the book. He focused furiously. The leopard looked on calmly. The book started to lift and soon was floating in the air. Baxley's mouth dropped in astonishment as the book floated over to him. 'Holy shit, this can't be happening', thought Baxley.

"I think we have a winner", said the scientist into a handheld radio. Baxley lied in the bed still amazed and a smile crept over his face as he thought of a way to get free. "If you wait here for a moment, well it's not like you could go anywhere, some men will come and escort you to your cell", said the leopard before leaving. Baxley nodded.

He didn't have to wait long for the men to come and escort him to his cell. The cell wasn't too small and it had room for maybe one other person. Baxley sat on his bed and ate what the soldiers had brought him for dinner. He experimented more with his new found power and was getting good at it. "This will be great for thievery on several occasions", he said to himself.

There was a rap on the bars and a guard and colonel were standing outside the cell. The colonel, Baxley recognized to be the tiger that arrested him. "Oh, hello there", Baxley said grinning. The tiger just stared at him. "So, why me, huh, why am I so special you had to track me down all the way into Spain", continued Baxley. "Do you have an alliance with the French or something, tell me." The tiger took a breath and waved away the guard.

"We are not the American military; we just used that imprint to fool you", began the tiger. "We are actually a mercenary force hired by the French and were ordered to capture you, since, you escaped the last two who tried. The plan was to capture you, bring you back to this base and then we were done, but the man who hired us allowed us a few favors of our choosing as long as you were still living by the end of it. So, we experimented on you and apparently you survived and now have some extraordinary abilities added to yourself." Baxley nodded and took in all of the information that he was being told.

"So, let me get this straight," he said when the tiger finished. "I have these special abilities and you're just going to send me off to some man who will more than likely kill me and you're okay with that?" The tiger nodded. "At least we know the serum works." Baxley shook his head. "Did he already pay you?" The tiger nodded. "Good, because, I'm not going back to France to just be beat and then killed." The tiger chuckled. "And how do you plan to fulfill that fantasy", he replied. Baxley smiled.

"Like this", he said as he used his mind to take the keys from the tiger, unlock the door, and swing it open, knocking the colonel on his ass. Baxley ran out of the cell and down the hall to the storage and weapons rooms. He opened the door and glanced around for his things. He found them and grabbed them. An alarm sounded and Baxley smiled. "I get a play-date."

Baxley walked down the hall towards the stairs. "Halt, fox, you will not take another step", said a guard, aiming his M16 at Baxley. The fox threw his bow in the air and ran towards the soldier with his dagger drawn. The guard was caught off guard and got pushed against the wall with his gun on the floor. Baxley head butted the soldier and threw him to the floor, caught his bow and notched an arrow, aiming it at the man. He smiled at the terrified face, than ran up the stairs.

Baxley ran through the halls, cut through offices, and killed a few soldiers on his way to the garage. He reached the garage and hotwired a jeep. Baxley felt the engine start and ducked gunfire from the soldiers. He opened the garage door with his mind and drove away, glad to be out of that place and back out in some fresh air. Baxley realized as he was driving that he was back in France and smiled. "Time for some payback", he said as blasted the radio station.