A Dragon's Tale-Chapter 1-In The Begining

fried because i insisted on wearing all black all the time,except for my shemagh,which was a light tan and the sunglasses that sat in my short hair,which were blue).

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An Invincible Summer Ch. 4 - It's Not The Fall That Kills You...

She asked and cracked an egg on the side of the frying pan "can you help me with this? you can finish making breakfast while i go and give michael his pill. you know how to fry an egg, right?"

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My Little Delirium - Chapter 1

Carrot finished frying the potato pancakes, and set them on the table in front of applejack, refilling her glass for her as well. "thank you carrot."

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Amber Silverblood: Chapter Seven

I did, however, make sure to fry enough for three people- one serving for her, and two for me. i methodically cracked the eggs and set them to fry in another pan, and then put some bread in the toaster.

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Luca's Story Ch. 12

The stir-fry he prepared was put away and stored for later, since it was a bachelor's portion at best. food was ordered, drinks (non-alcoholic, of course) were poured for everyone.

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A Chance of Showers - Part Twelve

He ended his compliment by casually shoving another dozen fries into his mouth. even though jake had known these guys for most of his life, they never failed to amaze him.

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Cutie Academy - Chapter 1 "Over the Wall"

In the kitchen was my mother standing over a frying pan, frying up more peanut butter buttermilk pancakes. my dad was sitting at the table with a newspaper blocking his face, like he does every morning.

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Gardevoir Motherhood. Chapter 1: Final Straw.

She was doing fine until franz said something about simon being really lucky to have her, and her concentration broke and she dropped the heavy cast-iron frying pan.

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Retractile Dysfunction

Pushing the lid of the icebox closed again, she kept searching and discovered a large bag of fried potato chips hidden behind some of the jars. "oh, ho, ho! _yes_! here we go!" jarzyl dragged the bag out and put it down on the counter.

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Terms of Service - Chapter 4

fry... s.... frys... fry.... "frys... burn..." he slurred in a slow, heavy voice, "goblin burn... yes..." jumping in surprise he looked at himself in the mirror and tilted his head.

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The Cat's Stroll 05

The young members of the clan, as well as the new recruits of the army would often go there, where they could temper their minds and refine their martial arts against the small fry with relatively safety.

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Zoey And Jack The Neera

Zoey just laughed as she placed the spaghetti into another frying pot. again jack flinched as another burner clicked on.

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