The Chronicles of the Seven: Overview

Each race has various durations and frequencies of breeding seasons and such times will often turn lesbians toward bisexuality. atavisms are rare, but not unheard of.



Trinity by ff\_b located just off the tip of long island and six miles from the connecticut coastline, the plum island level-4 bioresearch facility was during the cold war era a secret government installation reputed to be involved in the genetic

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Surface (Chapter 11)

Arc story about the life-changing adventures of a gay skunk and a lesbian octopus "clothes do make the man.

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Surface (Chapter 5)

Arc story about the life-changing adventures of a gay skunk and a lesbian octopus trigger warning for character suicide mano had found her lying on her back in a perfect corpse asana, perfect right down to every last detail.

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demigods and mortals of Asfeiren: Chapter 1

I want this to kick ff. goign as slow as i can. man, without my laptop, it gets to where i have to use my desktop. well, i have the entire week to myself. so i'm planning on dishing out a chapter a day!

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Chapter 45: Love for Many Mating Seasons to Come

With yuri and roan came kel, aliona, zaldon, and julyan as well, and they spent the day at kilyan's home, filling his hut with warmth, laughter, and love.

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Michael and Amanda, Chapter 3

Amanda, are you lesbian?" "no, mother. i'm not lesbian. victoria was one of my best friends in school and i wanted to talk with her, if you don't mind." affecting an air of superiority, ophelia said, "well, i do mind.

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Astral High - Chapter 25

I mean, last year a bunch of kids started coming out about being gay, or lesbian, or bi, and it's so fucking awkward. you never know whether or not someone's even an option, and those who are aren't ever into you."

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Problems of a Distraught Cub - Intro p.1

This wasn't always the case of them being a teen, and quite a few were youngsters who felt like they don't belong because of their species, or breed, or class, or gender, or the way they suffered from depression, or they were gay or lesbian or whatever it

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Sector 48

She was also an outlaw, a lesbian by nature, in a farse of a marriage to keep from being sent off to be straightened. we often met up in the mornings she worked a few buildings down from my work, she worked in public records, i was in finance.


The Apartment Complex

She'd apparently turned lesbian over the summer, which came as a great shock to those of us who knew her last year. and watching her and her girlfriend make out whenever they were around... well, it made me horny as all hell. but it wasn't going to last.

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Mythical Beastmen Ch. 3

"i guess i just always loved you, but i never really thought it was in a lesbian way. just, like best friends, but maybe closer." "you don't think much, do you?" nazuna commented, eliciting a sheepish grin from her friend.
