Astral High - Chapter 25
#26 of Astral High
This story seems to be getting less... morally acceptable. Eh, that's public school for you. I mean, how else would I know how to properly use the F word? Or any other swear word for that matter?
Me and Seth went through our first period English class, certainly more attentive than any of the other students. English is fine and all, but it gets boring really fast, and all we even did was set up our composition notebooks with a bunch of crap we needed for school year.
Second period was when things got interesting. We entered the class room to find that all the tables were arranged in four squares, and all the tables could seat two people, so there was a bit of a gap in between them. When we enterred, we sat down at the table farthest from the door, since the door was the only indicater that the class room even had a front, save for the door in the supposed back. The class room was in the center of the school, so it had no windows, and the entire class room was a square, and all the walls were completely blank.
Over the course of three minutes, twelve people entered, and all of them sat at the other tables, each table having six to a group. Then Ted came in, and sat down to our left, around the corner of the table. There wasn't a seat between us and him, so talking was a little more direct.
"Well, I'm going to enjoy waking up in the morning." [Ted]
"Why?" [Seth]
"So, you know how my first period is a physics class?"
"It turns out, Mr. Echo is a physics teacher, and only a physics teacher. Which means we can eat in that class. Screw waking up at six thirty, I'm getting up at seven fifteen from now on."
"Takes you half an hour to eat?" [Me]
"No, it takes me fifteen minutes, but I need to make the food myself and wash the-" He was cut off when a hyena sat down across the table from him, looking sadder than Seth did last year.
"... Titus?" [Ted]
The hyena barely acknowlodged his existence with a glance in his direction.
"Who's he?" [Seth]
"The biggest ass hole ever." [Ted]
"... See, this is your cue to defend yourself." [Seth]
Titus didn't even move. He just sat there with his head in his arms. It was depressing to be around, and I was the one who had to sit closer to him.
"Why doesn't he say anything?" [Seth]
"You heard Marko last week, they got him good. Remember? He punched Tanner." [Ted]
"What'd they do to him?" [Me]
"Pranked him and threw the video on YouTube."
"That's a little over the top don't you think?"
"You're telling me that if I punched Seth you wouldn't try to ruin my life?"
"Well, if you did that, your life wouldn't be long enough to ruin anyways, so.."
"Exactly. You'd be pissed."
"No- I would seriously try to hurt you."
"But not kill, right?"
"And if I punched Daniel?"
"I feel like he'd take care of that on his own." [Seth]
Within five seconds of the bell ringing, three students dashed in the door, and found that only the spots at our table were open. They were all foxes, but of completely varied colors. One was blue and pink, another green and red, and the last was yellow and cyan. I'm sure if they held their hands out just right they'd make a color wheel.
When the bell rang, everyone went kinda quiet, but there wasn't a teacher in here to do anything, so we were all a little confused. You know, until five minutes in when she stepped out of the back room. I glanced at my schedule and saw her name was Ms. Ardenstal, and the name seemed to go with the albino white dragon. Her eyes were a bright red, and her scales reflected the world around them more than any reptile I'd ever seen, which made her a little difficult to look at.
"Good morning, I'm Ms. Ardenstal, a few of you may have gone to Inferno High last year and remember me, that was my last year there, and this is my first year here. Now, who can tell me, what art is." A few kids raised their hands, "Go on, don't be afraid, just say it."
A husky on the other side of the room spoke up, "Uh, this isn't an art class."
"Does that matter?"
Another kid on that side of the class, "Yeah, kinda."
"Well maybe I'd rather be an art teacher. ... No comment? Hm, very diligent students. I wonder how well you follow instructions. Now, on the count of three, all of you are going to say your favorite color. 1... 2... 4!"
Nobody said anything. The fuck is this teacher doing?
"Good question," everyone looked stunned by the fact that she'd said this, mostly because a lot of us were probably thinking the same thing and no one said anything. "You see, you all need to understand that people are predictable. If I pulled a gun out of my purse and pointed it at you, you'd all be too shocked to do anything. If the cops came charging through this door and arrested me, you'd all be terrified. You're predictable. Of course none of you have a proper response to all that, and right about now you're thinking, what does any of this have to do with this class, and why is this class only titled Inevitably? Am I correct?" There was an awkward pause, and no one knew what to expect. At least I didn't, for all I know, everyone else could've been waiting for her to pull out a magnum and shoot a couple kids before the cops broke in and took her away.
"Well, let me explain. 'Inevitably', is to be predictable. Inevitably, I will teach how to avoid being the inevitable. This class will break all the rules you've come to know about reality, and inevitably, when the day comes, you'll be a little better prepared for it, than everyone else. It? It is a thing. A thing that will happen. ... That will happen when you least expect it to and I can tell right now that at least three of you already know what I'm talking about. Another five are thinking something dirty and immoral. The rest of you are left to your own machinations." She went over to her desk and grabbed a large die off of it.
She held it up for all of us to see, "What is this?"
"It's not a die, we know that much." [Ted]
"What are you talking about? It has six sides, all of them are squares and numbered one through six with little dots. How is it not a dice?"
An avian spoke from the other side of the room, "Well you've already told us to not be predictable, so we know that's not a die, it's something completely different."
"Hm, you guys caught on faster than the last class, I guess the apple gag isn't necessary." She took a bit out of it and I was left completely dumbfounded. "So, you... twenty three? Damn, I need four more students." She went into the back room and came out a couple minutes later.
"Since we don't have twenty seven, we'll just have to blow the first day off. Everyone get to know each other, it'll be your only help at figuring each other out." She left the room again and didn't come out for the remainder of the class period. Everyone started talking a couple minutes after she went back into her office.
The green and red fox spoke first, "So, I guess we need to get to know each other?"
"I guess." [Ted]
"Okay... I'm Gavin."
"Dustin." [The blue and pink fox]
"Dante." [The yellow and cyan fox]
"... He's Titus." [Ted]
"Why doesn't he talk?" [Dante]
"He's a fucking coward, that's why."
"He bullied Ted a couple years ago, and apparently he's super lonely now." [Me]
"Ah." [Dustin]
"... So, where should we begin?" [Seth]
"Probably by explaining why you two are wearing the same exact outfits." [Gavin]
Seth held our hands up, firmly interlocked. They nodded in acknowledgement.
"So, you're gay. That's cool." [Dustin]
"You got a problem with it?" [Me]
"No, but... I don't know, kinda weird. I mean, last year a bunch of kids started coming out about being gay, or lesbian, or bi, and it's so fucking awkward. You never know whether or not someone's even an option, and those who are aren't ever into you."
"Yeah, I remember last year when Tanner came out. Turned a lot of rumors true that did." [Gavin]
"Like what?" [Me]
"Well, first off, word got around that he was gay. And that so was his brother." [Gavin]
"And then word got around that his brother used to work at a place called Vertebrae." [Dante]
"And then everyone looked up what Vertebrae was and immediately realized why none of our parents wanted us to hang out with either him or his brother when we were kids." [Dustin]
"Why?" [Ted]
"Two words; gay prostitute." [Dante]
"Ugh," [Seth]
"Yeah, it's sick, but who cares? The place got shut down because his brother managed to figure out some way out of it, quit, and they've been sailing on a cool billion and a half dollars since." [Gavin]
"Million." [Dustin]
"No, it's billion. I looked it up on Facebook. That's how they afforded the house, and the car, and why Tanner's always got that stupid, gold plated MP3 player." [Gavin]
"That's actual gold?" [Ted]
"Yeah, kid's fucking rich as hell. Honestly, Marko probably only dates him to get a taste of the rich life." [Dante]
"Isn't like, everyone at Amberstone City at least middle class?" [Me]
"Well, yeah, but that's the thing. In other places middle class can be considered fucking rich, here that's kinda low on the conomic scale. Tanner's at the top, his brother retired on inheritance money, and that number hasn't gone down. Honestly, a part of me thinks it's gone up since he retired." [Dante]
"That or he's spending more." [Dustin]
"Probably both." [Gavin]
"Wait, how can you retire and still make money?" [Seth]
"I don't know, how can your middle class parents leave five hundred million bucks in the bank, and then luck out and make a billion and a half from a lawsuit?" [Dustin]
"Lawsuit?" [Ted]
"If a company tried to beat you for quitting your job as a gay hooker you'd probably sue them too. Tanner's brother may have been gay, but he wasn't an idiot." [Gavin]