I Applied for a Delivery Job and Got Turned Into a Flying Reindeer?! Chapter Fourteen

The people out there, and the knowledge that they were ready to rip him apart with a ferocity that black friday shoppers could never hope to match, terrified him. what a strange thing to think about santa claus' village...

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Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 59

Aisa threw her arms around them both, hugging them with scary ferocity. "thank you so much! oh thank you, she's all right! thank you, thank you!"

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The Wolves of Gryning: Chapter 2

When these storms struck in the middle of the strait they struck hard, and with a quick ferocity. they never lasted long but they never needed to; their ability to sink ships was legendary. now the crew was faced with a new decision.

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Wolfen - Chapter 19 (Part 2)

Syla, on the other hand, fought with a disturbing ferocity that seemed completely against her normal timid personality. the look of crazed fury in her eyes and the vicious growls that came from her, made her almost unrecognizable.

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Mega Garoozis

Garoozis felt as if he would burst through the shell of his scales at any moment, as the musculature bulged with such ferocity that it almost hurt to keep his armor upon his body.

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Ander - Part 5: Subchapter 64

Nilia was just as shocked as he was, staring at this grisly display of ferocity with her mouth open. "make him stop!" dorin shouted, the edge of her blade biting painfully into his neck. "he's killing him!" "that's enough, dan!"

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Ch. 17: The Day of Defeat

It made bart freeze in place as he was absorbed by the look in the giant's eyes, and the sense of ferocity that he saw in them. the giant would not stop until they were all dead.

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Path of our Fate...Story version...

The same passionate ferocity that made them outcast to the civilized world and guardians to nature's most primal of secrets.

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In From the Sad Day Out

The ferocity of unchecked, feral anxiety, and how it gnawed at you, how it split you open. how you quaked. how you were at the mercy of intangible something after intangible something. how you survived with mercy.


Mushrooms, Turtles and Pipes, Oh My! 16 - Haunting Music

As koopin did just that, the storm continued on outside with a decreasing ferocity, the raptor realising that something about the melody was affecting the power around them.

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Honor In Blood Chapter 2

But after the one closest to viper had nodded the figure had hit viper with such ferocity that it caused viper to go flying off of the steps and head first in to the trunk of a tree. the three had vanished as quickly as they had appeared.

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The power, the instinct, the ferocity, the sensory overload - all you can do is tilt your head up to the sky and rrrrrrrooooooooaaaaaarrrrrr!!!!!!!

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