A New Look

As always, constructive criticism and feedback in general is highly appreciated.

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Migrating over here to hopefully get more feedback on my poetry and short stories (although most of my stories are on the back burner, i am halfway through with one, so stay tooned imaginary people who read my things!)


Callion: Forgotten Lands

All of these characters are mine and so is the story, if you enjoyed it leave some feedback!

Story Concept 1 (ASU)

Depending on how much feedback i get, i'll continue playing with this concept

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Hearts Fairy

This isn't even all of the first chapter, but i would love some feedback on this story. prolouge hearts is not a fairy. don't let her apperance fool you, she is part dragon.

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Small Town Surprises

Small town surprises well first story posted and depending on the feedback there will be a continuation of this one.

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Small Town Surprises

Small town surprises well first story posted and depending on the feedback there will be a continuation of this one.

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Crusader Epilogue

Often they were interpretations or one of many paths, only when the feedback would hit them from the scrying would it get reviewed and even then it could simply be glazed over.

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August 4: At the Kuri Hardware Shop

Oh on a side note, please feel free to rate my works and give feedback. it helps a lot and it's much appreciated :) kounosuke called last night about the fan.


Dystopian New York.

.** **now here's a note, i"m only posting this segment to get feedback on my writing skills. so i would like to hear what you thought and constructive criticism is welcomed. i would love to know how to improve my writing.

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Maybe I'm the one...

I think i did myself proud on this, please give me any feedback that you might think that would assist my writing skills. leave a rate or a fave, it pushes me to keep going! oh, and hope you, dear reader and travis, have fun...'

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This is kind of new for me so in feedback for me. and try to guess what i'm trying to describe if you think you can get it. i'm sure if you can you can see it in your mind right now. seemed like it was forever ago doesn't it?

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