Story Concept 1 (ASU)
#1 of Concepts
Just a few tidbits: This is just a concept I'm playing around with. Also "-kin"is just an add on to show a particular species as a people. "Kyn" is plural and can be used specifically for a species or generally. Examples: "Otter-kyn have webbed paws." and "For the greatness of all kyn everywhere!"
"WELCOME TO AVENA STATE UNIVERSITY!" the otter read to himself.
He smiled up at the obnoxious and loud welcome sign, feeling a sense of pride of finally becoming a Freshman in college. Alton Lontra had a reddish-rust color fur, with a crème underside. A normal height for an otter-kin, if not a little shorter, and a rather slim build but with definitive and shapely hips. Even though he was gay, he kept it too himself. There were only a couple of ways you could tell. One, by directly asking. And two, the most betraying, a particular bounce and sway in his gait would always raise a question. Luckily, you could really only tell if you were really watching.
As Alton explored the campus, instead of moving right into the dorm, to get a feel for the buildings. He eventually had enough of a layout in his head to be satisfied and turned tail back to the dorms. On his way, a sense of anxiety started to grow. He was never great with meeting new people, almost a phobia really. So dragged out the meeting as long as he could, by grabbing some things out of his car. Alton draped a bag of clothes over his shoulders and carried a couple small boxes. And finally walked into his dorm building: Bellua. "Number 253. So 2nd floor..." e said to himself. He looked up and around at interior of this enormous building and realized it was about 4 stories with balconies overlooking the lobby,"wow... this place is huge."
He snapped out of it as heard the eleveator's DING. He padded over, luckily, getting a ride all to himself. The otter-kin manuvered his way around the other kyn. So far his luck kept getting better, his dorm was only a couple of doors down. He walking along the sides of the hallway to avoid the clusters of kyn. Suddenly, his plans were flawed as a door flung open and hit him square in the nose. He squeaked loud as his eyes began to water and he could taste a little bit of blood. He dropped his boxes and started to rub and hold his nose.
A tall stag- stuck his head around the door," Oh shit! You oka-" before he could finish the sentence, the stag-kin saw blood running down on Alton's arm. "Nope, guess not. Come on!" Before Alton could wipe away his watery eyes and regain his senses, the cervine quickly held back Alton's head, guiding him into the Stag's dorm and over to the sink. All the while, the buck kept saying "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.."
"It's okay! It was an accident." Alton replied with a nasally, muffled voice.
"No it isn't! I nearly broke your nose!" as he started to wipe off the blood.
"It's fine! It doesn't hurt too bad anymore and the bleeding will stop. I'll be a little sore though, but I'll be fine. Besides, I shouldn't have been too close to the wall anyway."
The stag just remained quiet as he started to wipe more blood off the otter with paper-towels, "I'll be right back. I'm gonna get a wet cloth from the bathroom."
Alton, in the mean time, decided to see if the bleeding had stopped. He put his head down and did a couple of test-sniffs. Everything checked-out. "It stopped bleeding!" he yelled to the buck.
After returning and handing the wet cloth to Alton, he held out his paw with a nervous grin, "I'm sorry to meet you like this, but my name is Damien."
"Alton." he chuckled, smiling back.
Thanks for reading!^^ Lemme know how I did, Criticism and all.
depending on how much feedback I get, I'll continue playing with this concept