Evolution Part I: Chapter Eight
I didn't know it yet, but my diet had quite the opposite effect on my life than I'd intended. It, in fact, had set me on course to match with the very largest of dogs who lived in the yard. The humans never came out and said it (well, they might have,...
Evolution Part I: Chapter Seven
By the end of a week, the large bruise on my tummy had mostly cleared up and I was moving more easily. However, my wrenched paw took longer to heal, despite the fact that my lacerations had scabbed over nicely in less than a day; they wouldn't leave...
Evolution Part I: Chapter Six
I didn't roughhouse for a week after I'd suffered my defeat at the fangs of the brown lab. As for my relationship with my antagonist, it was little different than how it was before. He held no grudge against me nor I him. I showed him deference when...
Evolution Part I: Chapter Four
By the time I was eighteen weeks old, the pen had become as much a home to me as anywhere else I'd been in my life and in many ways it was far superior to the now fuzzy memories of mother and her sweet milk. I was feeling more and more adult, and that...
Evolution Part I: Chapter Two
For the betterment of my social and psychological wellbeing, the four dogs of the litter, including myself, were moved to a large communal kennel away from where the brooding bitches were housed individually. There, all the other male pups were housed,...
Evolution Part I: Chapter One
Humans put a lot of stock in "The Meaning of Life" or the search for what may be called the Ultimate Truth, or some such similar concept; they have a million terms for it. Some say that the meaning of existence is not to be found in mortal life and...
A little payback part 1
The lake was crystal clear, not a cloud was in the sky, and it was just an all around beautiful day. The surface of the water was soon breached by one of it's inhabitants, a small but well built buizel. Little Foamy, the buizel, had finished a morning...
The Best Test
Phillipe thumbed idly through the Golf Digest he'd found on the waiting room end table and marveled at how so much print advice could be given to a physical activity. Phillipe knew sports and exercise. He was a fixture at the gym; his tall, wide frame,...
Sudden Cake
Krasus groaned, having to duck again under the doorway before him as well as shuffle sideways through it. The green-scaled dragon had never once cursed his sizable frame, both in height and girth, but dungeon-diving wasn't exactly conducive to being as...
"Wow, hey there tiny. What're you even doing in here?" That was the third remark from the rather drunk otter of the night, and Alonely had had enough of it all. The wolf had come to the party on the invitation of the host, Sasuke, and hadn't exactly...
Grand Finale
The veritable wall of pink undulated and shifted slowly before the drake, little rippling waves of bulk interrupting those tectonic shifts as it was handled. Zero just stared straight on, mesmerized by so much blubber being handled and moving slowly...
Putting A Hop in His Step
David bounced in his seat as he watched the boxing match unfold before him, the two, buff men duking it out in the arena. His eyes followed their gloves as best as they could, with each blow David would howl in excitement or flinch in empathy, his...