Night of the Leviathan

As of now my dear reader, i have drunk a few shots of liquor to help ease the nerves and calm the mind. i am not drunk nor am i mad. the remaining crewman and i have agreed to not speak of that night, but i will, only so people know what happened.

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The Big Game

Despite being drunk, earl was amazingly good at getting his goals accomplished. that was probably because he was so used to being drunk.

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First official character

Is due to mass compression, minor gravity control for weight control as building would collapse ect, can polymorph when bored and ability assimilation/mimicry skills: hunting/assassination, forging/smithing, can self induse the side effects of being drunk


Dig six feet to Hell

All he knew was that the family of the drunk had apologized...but it wasn't good enough. they had to pay with blood.

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How I Became Broken

I was drunk, staggering through the streets of downtown mobile, alabama. i breathed in the sweet smell of life and death and life happening all around me.

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Lenny Snart's journal

I'm gonna get piss drunk and pass out watching reruns of cheers...

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Astral High - Chapter 24

At some point they decided to go swimming, and i was drunk off my ass so i wasn't making logical ideas, so i went along with it and... well i nearly drowned. i mean, the others did too, mostly because we went over a cataract in the river, but still.

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"get yer drunk ass outta my way, you rodent." that was the tiger again.

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The world in the life of a grey husky. Chptr. 10 Marks father.

He had only known his father drunk. he was hardly ever around when he was sober. the father was either working, sleeping or drinking. he hated it when he was drunk. but that was the father he knew. the only one he knew.

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The Back Room 3: Fang Lightwind

It's not that i'm not drunk, i just don't show it on the outside. now come along with me my friend.

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writting promt #1

"they're just drunks how much harm can they be?" "i saw them with weapons. are you really going to just ignore this?" "yes," hasan tried to close the door but i stopped him from closing it. "you trying to start something punk?"

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An Invincible Summer Ch. 9 - Dance Me To The End Of Love Pt. 2

He enjoyed the now, the here, bouncing around on his heels to a tune by the name of "drunk girls". if she opened the dictionary and looked up 'bittersweet', she'd find a description of this very moment.

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