writting promt #1

Story by Isaac Cahn on SoFurry

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#1 of Writing group challenges

the other dday i join a group of writers in an effort to improve my writing. they do these weekly challenges where they write using a certain prompt. at first i was going to pass on it since i joined in late, but my brain figured out how to write it and i was all 'okay

prompt: Completing the final step before ascension.

My heart was beating so fast. My hands won't stop shaking. Tonight was the night I'm doing it. It had to be now. I have steeled my heart and iron my resolved. I peer around the corner. In the guard house were my target: Hasan Carver, Luke Mccann, and Albert Bray. All three of them are criminals but can't be prosecuted by the law since they work for it. But tonight, they will pay for their transgression.

I jog over to the guard house. "excuse me," I yell as I approached, "I need help." No response, "hello?"

Luke stuck his head out, "what do you want?"

He sounded irritated, must have been drinking. "there is a fight in a bar and I need help."

The door to the guard house open, Hasan slumped against the door, "so what do you want us to do?"

"what I want is help, any help from one of you would be fine."

"they're just drunks how much harm can they be?"

"I saw them with weapons. Are you really going to just ignore this?"

"yes," Hasan tried to close the door but I stopped him from closing it. "you trying to start something punk?"

"I came here looking for help. Please you got to help me."

"fine I'll go," Albert slurred out, "we need more booze anyway." Hasan stumbled out; he was completely drunk, not even able to walk straight. "take me to the booze."

"alright, thank you sir." I lead Hasan away from the guard house. On the way I told him what I 'saw', who was in the fight and what lead to it. From the look on his face he wasn't interested at all. Still he followed me to the 'bar'.

"so, where is this bar you were talking about," Albert slurred out.

"just around the corner, sir." We turn the corner to the 'bar', a building that's being remodeled.

"this doesn't look like a bar."

"well it's an underground bar sir." We enter the building; it was dark inside. I turned on a lantern I placed earlier, "you should stay close to me. The entrance is hidden."

"Yeah sure," Albert stay close as we walk through the building and the entrance to the basement.

"the bar is down here."

"hope the beers good," Albert descended first and I followed him. The basement was even darker than the rooms upstairs, Boxes and junk were spread over the place, "so where is this bar?"

"the entrance is behind the boxes over there," I pointed to the boxes.

"alright," He heads over to the boxes.

I pull the dagger I hidden earlier. Ba-dunk. Ba-dunk. Ba-dunk My hearts beat furiously. Ba-dunk. Ba-dunk. 5 more steps. Ba-dunk. Ba-dunk. 3 more steps. Ba-dunk. Ba-dunk. Ba-dunk. Ba-dunk. Ba-dunk. Ba-dunk. Ba-dunk. One more step.

There was a flash of white light. "My eyes my eyes, what the fuck is going on?"

It's now or never! Do it! I tackle Albert to the ground. I bring the dagger down on his neck. I bring it back up then down. Up then down. Up then down. Up then down. Albert's scream gets replace with a gurgling sound, but I didn't stop. Up then down. Up then down. Up then down. Albert stops making noise but I keep going. Up then down. Up then down. Up then down. Then I stopped and looked at what I done. Albert's neck was gone, his face was one of terror. The sights and smells were too much and I vomit.

"Not bad," a voice said. I turned around, no one was there, "still there are some flaws in your work."

I ask the voice, "are you with the guild?"

"yes," it answered, "I been charge with watching your initiation, Dean Solis. I shall be frank; you are rough but show promise. You were able to isolate one of the targets and lead him into a trap quiet well. But the finishing blow was sloppy. You are covered in the targets blood."

"I planed for this." I open one of the boxes and pulled out exact clothing I was wearing, clean and blood free. I started to change. "there is an incinerator close by where I am going to burn the clothes."

"I see, I see. You have certainly planned this carefully. But what about the other two?"

"I have planned for this as well," I pulled out a wine bottle, "I have mixed some over the counter medicine with the alcohol. A cocktail of death I'll call it."

"and if they don't accept it?"

"they will accept it."

"what makes you certain?"

"I know them to well," I disassemble my trap and place my bloody clothes in a basket. I need to burn the clothes first before handing over the alcohol.

"you know you only need to kill one," the voice said.

"I've been told but," I lift the basket, "I want to kill all three of them. It's personal for me."


I return to the guard house. Bottle of alcohol in hand, "excuse me, guards."

The door opened. "oh, great it you," Hasan answered, "what do you want this time?"

"I come with a gift," I showed Hasan the bottle of alcohol, "as a thank you with the help."

"Help? We didn't do anything."

"well, I was told by the bar master to bring a bottle anyway."

Luke peered out, "hold on." The turned his head side to side, "where's Albert?"

"at the bar. He took a look at the clock there said 'welp my shift is over' than started to order drinks."

"that lazy son of a bitch!"

"well I can go get him."

"yeah go do that, make yourself useful for once," Hasan grabbed the bottle of alcohol and slammed the door in my face.

I leave the guard house and goes into a back ally. A figure was there waiting for me, "I'm sorry I didn't believe you when you said they would take the alcohol."

"no worries, I'll come back in an hour and see if they made a report about me. I'll need to destroy the evidence myself."

"let use handle it, newbie. You have passed your initiation," he hands me a piece of paper, "this is the location of where you would go for the next step in your training. You should head there as soon as you gather your things."

"thank you," I go home to gather my things. I'm going to change this world and I'm doing it my way.