3:18 The Hand Of God
"last night, the shooting downtown. isis sent him there, did she not?" hets asked point blank, calling the hare out on his shortcomings as an informant. "it is information like that i _want_ to know about and _why_ i pay you as much as i do."
1:2 Weakness
He had been hired to steal a document from a safety deposit box from a bank downtown. alias didn't know what it was, and he didn't ask. he was paid well enough not to care about such things.
I'am fear incarnate"a wicked simile forms on my face as i go towards downtown. time to see the sights i think.
Lament of the Moon S&H - Ch.10: Mall Brawl - Ep02
There's a big mall downtown, i think it's called starlight mall?" "oh yeah, starlight mall! i heard it's like the biggest mall in burgstein," panja stated. "that's the one! i wanna go there, so please come with me!
The Life and Times Of Soma Hikari Chapter 3
I showed her where all the stores were downtown, we looked around in a few.
The Shadows of Chicago
My son was a nurse at one of the working hospitals near downtown, spending every moment working hard to be like his mother.
Zootopia: First Salvo chapter 14
Residence of the mayor downtown zootopia 9am the baseball flew across the yard and smacked hard into cesar's glove.
Resolutions - Part 6 - June
Soon the bus entered downtown and skyscrapers surrounded us and there were so many more people wearing colorful and politically charged clothes that stated support and hope for the future.
Smartphone Technology Review
Im a tech geek living in the suburb/downtown of arlington, texas. this is my review on android vs. windows. "the almost-forced change" i recently bought myself a new phone. the nokia lumia 920 from at&t.
Chapter 5: Commitment
As of earlier tonight, there has been a shooting in downtown mayfield on brier street. a twenty year old man has been killed. the chemung county police department has not released the name of the young man.
Operation Hero Chapter 1
"such a majestic and beautiful sight," kiara said to him, also looking at across at downtown manhattan, staring at the lights that laminated from the city and bounced off of the clouds in the sky, giving it the appearance of alaska's famous aura
Pokemon: Big Bang Break Episode 3
Tenko asked tomiyo hand out a news paper "hizami honda the famous opera signer is stopping in neon city during her north american tour, and she'll be staying at the lance hotel downtown" "so you're a fan of her works?"