Like a fog

Like A Fog In the dark, forgotten street Where time, like a fog, curls 'round one's feet And the slow hum of people begins to fade I present to myself my own accolade Most likely to pray to the stars above Most likely to never find one's true...

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In the darkness, all alone. Poem.

It's called depression ;) so enjoy. i'm thinking of making it longer. but for now, dinner and bed :d in the darkness, all alone. still waiting for a cure to my cancer. still searching for an answer. that death i was shown. to be not cared for...

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Burden of Command

Author's Note: This is dedicated to my fallen brothers and sisters in arms. Those who have given everything for their country. May their sacrifice never be in vain, and may we never take what they so valiently fought and died for, for granted. Remember...

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When we first met

#2 of friends when we first met, i didn't know what to expect, all i knew is that i couldn't let this depression plague you and keep you in debt, on the outcome, i couldn't easily bet, but after seeing your life with a huge dent, i couldn't

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Our Special Short Story

Act ii "the clouds" the depression

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Doesnt he see...

I was so depressed... i was next to tears. well, ricky probably knew i was gay, he might be snogging with zori right now, if he was even the least bit bi, and i was so sad i just walked home.

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A Letter to Elizabeth

Well, I went and done something stupid tonight. For those familiar with TvTropes, I spent a good deal of time there today. Along my random tabbing, I opened the page for Tear Jerker, and then, in my stupidity, read the whole dame page for Real Life....

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The Doe and the Wolf Pack

A young doe was being chased though the forest by a pack of wolves. Suddenly the deer stopped, turned around and said: "Shame on you!" Startled, the wolves stopped the chase. "Shame on you!" The doe repeated. The wolves looked at each other...

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Ghost It is late Perhaps the early hours of morning Darkness engulfs everything You walk on silent feet No footsteps left to follow after you No destination planned for this journey Merely moving Aimless and alone No inclination of the...

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Gardevoir Motherhood. Chapter 1: Final Straw.

Her rage-filled mind burned the world around her, making insects and Pokemon alike flee deeper into the forest. She growled at a Houndoom so fiercely that the female with pups flattened herself against the ground and backed into the forest slowly, ears...

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The Malefor Chronicles Chapter 1: Unwanted Guest

Well, here is another sequel to The Spyro Chronicles. This tells the story of how Malefor manages to gain the Dragon's trust again. It will take a while and will take some great journeys and feats to do so. He isn't wanted here, and it will take a lot...

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Fallen (poem)

I am a fallen angel My tears are so long dry My wings are burnt with fire Forever I shan't fly. I cannot stand up straight In broken glass I kneel The burden of my life So hopeless makes me feel. Abysmal is my fate There is no...

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