Doesnt he see...

Story by Chance Prowlers on SoFurry

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#1 of Just high school life.

So, It's thanksgiving, and I had a TERRIBLE dream... All furry by the way, and I knew I would be thinking about it ALOT, because my granmother woke me up before it ended. So....

Warning, this story will probably come into two parts, because I HATE DEPRESSING STORIES!!! So, look out for it.

I sat there in our english class, taking two notes as ussual. Why? Because my best friend, Ricky, was aleep beside me. He was everything everyone around here wished they could be. Star athlete, got AMAZING grades (With the help of friends) And, he was always readdy to help others...

Oh, damnit, am I blushing?


So yes, I'm gay. Have a problem with that?

But, there is one downside. He, as far as I know, he is straight, and I would rather have a friend than nothing at all. So, I don't hit on him or anything. Insteads, I just put a hot girls poster on my wall, and hid all of my porn in the closet.

The bell rang, And Ricky lifted his head. 'Aww, he was drooling' I thought to myself. Ricky was this adorable Doberman. He had beutiful red eyes and, sorry, just watched Hamlet two, A hot swimmers bode.... and he could rock me whenever he wanted....

"Huh... Damnit! I fell alseep." He started to grab his notebook and noticed the notes. "Dude.... Aww, your a life saver! If you could cook worth a crap I would marry you."

Okay, so, even though he just said that, he jokes around alot, so I can never tell if he is lying or, well...

Theres that blush again.

"No problem, But I mean it, last time." We both stood and grabbed our bags, heading to the door. "So, you staying after school?"

Damn, he is doing it again, he bites his lower lip, always to the left, his eyes go up and to the right, his head tilts, and his right ear flops... God he is so cute... I just want to take him home, lay him down in my bed... or go into a alleyway and tie him up with some rope and-

"Nope, docters appointment." He said, smiling down at me. I am about a foot smaller, sad, isn't it? I love that though, because if we had ever kissed, I would have to stand on my tippy toes...

Okay, I'm a fox, The average scrawny, orange furred brown gloves fox... I do have people hit on me. A few guys who whistle and ask me out (I say no, because I am saving myself for... But what if he isnt and I end up a virgin, plus, it would suck if he heard I was dating a guy and hated me for it... but what if he got jealous... murr!) And several girls like to gang up on me and mess with my ears.

"Oh, thats cool, Want me to take you?" I asked cassually, trying to lean against a door, but it wasn't closed and I fell on my ass."

Ricky just laughed and helped me up, staring into my eyes, making my stomach flutter. "You don't mind?" He said smiling. "I brought my car, but I couldn't get it to start during lunch."

I don't really feel like going into detail about how we got to the docter, but we talked, listened to country music... I had two roll down my windows at least three times...

But, when we walked into the hospital, I got the biggest shock of my life.

He was a lion, buff, dirty blond main, and chocolate fur. He wasn't wearing a shirt, wich I thought was really unhygenic, but with his muscles, he didn't need to wear one. I could have stared forever...

He turned to us and said "Hey!" And My heart almost skipped. Was he talking to me? Should I go talk to him...

"Ricky! Whats up!?"

My chest feels all ouchy, that a bad thing? Atleast I am in a hospital...

"Hey Zori!" The two hugged and chuckled, and then Ricky pat me on the back. "Hey, this is My friend Toby, He brought me here for. Uh, Toby, this is Zori, we were best friends back when I lived in Australia."

"Oh, thats cool." Damn the odds.

"Well, we were alittle bit more than that for about a week." Zori said, leaning aginst a door that DIDN'T open on him.

My heart fluttered, the biggest smile I EVER made flew on my face, my tail started to wag... It was awesome. "Really!?" I asked, floating on cloud nine.

Tralalala He liked boys, so I can flirt with him, so he can kiss me!

"Uhm, just kidding." Zori said, amused at how happy I had gotten.


"Oh." I said, putting my paws into my pocket, trying to act like normal.

"Well, I was going to go to Australia for the summer, and, mabye you would like to go, see some old friends, I mean, it's alittle short noticed, but I have the money, and the parental units said I could bring a friend."

Don't say it... please...

"Sure!" Ricky smiled and talked to him for a few more minutes, then His name was called, Ricky's not Zoris, and he went into the back. Soon, Zori was called too. He tried to talk to me, but it was obvious I was pissed.

I waited, for about a hour I waited...

Finally a nurse came back, and called my name. I was shocked, but when I approached her she said, and I almost quote "Your friend told me to tell you that he went home with his other friend..."

"What! Thats not fair!"

"I don't care..."

So, I left the hospitel. I was so depressed... I was next to tears. Well, Ricky probably knew I was gay, he might be snogging with Zori right now, if he was even the least bit bi, and I was so sad I just walked home. I lived a few miles away from the hospital, and I needed to clear my head.

A few friends tried to get me to rid with them, a total stranger asked if I was homeless.

"No! Why do you say that?"

"Oh... uhm, how you dress."

? What, blue jeans and a purple T shirt?

When I was finnally almost there, and this was one of those days where you go home, lie in bed, and cry, A brown car drove past, before it pulled over, and out popped Zori and Ricky.

"Hey! How's my favorite Homo!?" Zori cried, making me growl. Ricky just shrugged and ran to catch up with me.

"Dude, did you walk home? I didn't take your car you know!"

I was so mad I growled. "Just... shut the fuck up." I said, making my way to my door. So close, all I had to do, just open that door...

Ricky turned me around, wich was kinda cool, but it didn't end with a hot kiss like I kinda wished it would have. "What is your problem!? I'm sorry I didn't tell you that he was going to take me home, but you shouldn't be all emo and walk home like a little-"

"Just shut the hell up!" I cried, surprising everyone there. "Are you that stupid! Five damn years and you can't even tell your best friend loves you!" I growled and grabbed his arm, my other paw pushing his chest till he slammed into the ground, staring up at me.

"For five long years I have been praying for one sign, one sign that you liked me, or, just felt something for me! I write your notes, I ditch stuff I have to do to watch you practice after school, I took spanish, even though I wanted to learn Japanese, so I could be near you, and all you ever do is push me around." My tears fell on his cheecks. He looked so scared, it was so, so adorable, wich only made me cry harder. "And... And... All I want is for you to be happy, even though not being with you kills me inside, as long as I can see that smile, I'm totally fine with being the friend... But... You and your damn friend have NO RIGHT to play around with that." I turned and lout out the loudest yell I could. "So Don't you DARE ever call me a homo again!" I let go of Rickys chest, and ran to my door, pulling out my keys and opening the door quikley.

"Wait... Toby, wait!" But I slammed my door, locked it, and ran up to my room. I could hear him banging on my door, hear him cry out my name to open the door... but after a few minutes it stopped. So, I ripped the poster off my wall, went to my closet, and threw my pornos all across my room, and layed on my bed, crying so hard that my neighbor threw a shoe at my window.