Vikie's D&D back Story
The demon was very powerful and she almost lost control several times, the demon agreed to free only her in exchange for a price to be determined later. she was a bit reluctant but she was desperate and agreed to the demon's terms.
Thirteen Karmic Tales: Third Tale
In a flash of smoke another demon appeared. it was one erakir recognized. the small red demon in the suit with the watch on his tail. it was the same one that had given him the papers. "you!" erakir shouted.
Those Who Waited
She told the organa crew that she was a demon dragon due to her lower jaw splitting into two and her generally demonic appearance.
As Angels Fall and Demons Fade
As best as i can tell, one of our parents was angelic in nature, and the other was demonic. though from what i understand the spawn of demons and angels results in fae. sort of half breeds, as it were.
While her son is dealing with a demon in his room.
The Heroes of Mana Chapter 1
Pointing to it while she was looking at leo who had pulled out his katana and pointed it at the daemon and said "that's the daemon." looking angry at it like he was about to kill the daemon for revenge.
Demonslayer Chapter 2: The Battles Begin
Walking around, he finds a ball of black metal from where the demon attacked his mother.
Demonslayer chapter 2: the evil rises
Walking around, he finds a ball of black metal from where the demon attacked his mother.
The Demon's Amulet
The demon's minion shouted out.
Hospital Visit part two
#6 of zootopia: devil watch chapter six of devil watch hello and welcome to zootopia: devil watch. i am glad to see that this series got the amount of views that it has.
The Guardians Shadow Ch4+5
The demons eyes rolled back into its skull as it raised it's mouth to the heavens where it froze in a silent scream. just then the demon seemed to be engulfed by a bright light and then exploded.
Kingdom of the Old Demons: Chapter 4
Like any outer ring towns, it was sparsely populated by hellhounds and demon bats.