The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book IX Chapter 24
She yelped, tears filled her eyes as she began to chaotically fight with the crutches, the artificial legs were kicking wildly in the air, due to overwhelming panic she simply couldn't make them to roll.
Xilimyth understood the inevitability of the multiverse housing chaotic growth as well as orderly creation.
The Beastly Demi-humans of Kesaki
Some scholars from the great west attribute this to climate change or the chaotic handiwork of hircine, or even vetitium, the abyssal prince of knowledge,for inciting these events through his followers.
Chapter 1: Zennix
I was almost caught off guard by how chaotic the inside was, as countless dragons were busy beating the absolute shit out of everybody here. i saw one big white scaled dragon, punching a red scaled kid in the face with absolutely no mercy.
Scars Ch. 2
The aisles are chaotic, the floors are muddy, and the people at the cash register look dead. i walk in, still holding my nose with my paw. i get to where the water bottles are located. i pick up a 12 bottle pack and take it to the register.
Love Love
It was a constant chaotic pattern of back and forth between the two of us trying to make the other miss the ball. my feet and breath were on fire. he looked a little fatigued but there was the same determined smile.
Clear Minds Chapter 10
"_ in peace kaleb let his eyes shut and his beautifully chaotic journey ended with his most precious treasure.......sora.
Son of a Dream part 2
It burned her, burned the sadness of knowing all that she knew, and anchored wit the modicum of pain and pleasure it provided the chaotic mind of a dreamer to the solid earth.
OP Alicorn Isekai Adventure
Like skyscrapers that chaotically burst up from the forest floor to block the view of the horizon with black rock cliffs. hank glanced back at his new wings and considered getting a better vantage point. maybe later.
A Memoir.
My memory is rather vague after that, filled with a chaotic haze of dread and sorrow; i think i was eventually found sitting motionless on the terrace, and someone carried me back to my room on his or her back, though i am not so certain about that.
Prudentia Elaine: Roots [Ch. One]
She was a seemingly young woman, who's most distinctive feature was her unruly red hair that grew in chaotic springs around her head.
Strange Times, Preface-History(edited)
The founder, a megalomaniac shadow dragon by the name of kalseru,has taught his followers to believe that it was their destiny to bring peace to a chaotic world through fanatic militarization.