Half-wolf Pokemon adventure ch 1

I weakly brought my paw to his face and i caressed his cheek. he was shocked by my sudden movement but didn't do anything. "see...ya.....later..lucario..." i managed to say before my vision went blank.

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a tale of dragons part 8

He did wake her though, gently lifting her head off his arm, and laying it gently on a pillow, caressing her cheek tenderly.

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Life in Yiggow Chapter 6

But berkeley knew the wolf was lying to him because, berkeley saw douglas caressing the picture of the famous fox professor, albert foxstine one time. even so the lizard wasn't bothered by any of that, except the caressing part, that was a bit weird.

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Getting Acquainted

Each kiss, each lick, each nuzzle, each caress all added to the pressure in tj's boxers that began brace against his pants as well, aching with a lustful need.

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Lady of Light

I feel your touch upon my arm and through it do i know that i shall suffer no harm i hear your sweet voice caress my soul thanks to this i know i've reached my goal lady of light.

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Minty Miss Kringle

At least the outfit she was wearing was comfortable; its soft velvet caressed the feathers and kept them plenty warm in the cold. the clothing was perhaps a half-size small, but finding outfits that work on avians was never easy.

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Business Manager in a Barn Chapter 08

Feel the stubble of beard under his hands when he caressed those cheeks with his fingers. his imagination carried him away to more and more interesting scenarios.

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A Stranger in Suburbia (An Interactive Story) - Prologue (11)

The breeze dances through the void that keeps them apart, dancing, whispering, caressing you as the clouds part in the horizon. the sun beams down upon you, past the faint mist dancing far above, underneath **the isles in the sky**.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VI Chapter 5

Her head sprang forward gently, their lips locked with each other, caressing themselves with affection that words are unable to describe.

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I once held death within my gaze, and caressed her in my arms, i once had night with me to bed, and graced her with my charms. i once roamed the earth with a springedheel step, i once held the very stars, and among them slept.


Aiedail caressed song's ears. she squirmed as her body responded to his touch. between kitsunes, a touch on the ear caused a wild pleasure to run through the receiver's body. yet, to song and aiedail, it simply marked the depth of their relationship.

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