Fleet Troubles, pt 2 (Otherwise Untitled)
~ the badger cried.
Honestly, these two were only meant to feature in a little one-off adventure, but the badgers have gone and badgered me into writing some more about them and their growing friendship. let's see where this story takes things...
Zootopia movie script: Point 223 part 5
She's as angry as a flock of hornets two stepping in high heels on an angry honey badger!" scene: actually....there's a honey badger with sting welts in the front of the crowd.
The Axe Cuts Both Ways - Chapter 10
He slammed into the security door just as a middle-aged badger was pulling out a set of keys to lock it from the inside. the badger was hurled back into a wall as the gang forced its way into the display room.
Out Back
Larry was very nice, a downright fat badger who was always jovial and didn't seem to have a mean bone in his body.
Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 92: One Act Of Betrayal Saves Us All
I asked the badger. "no. gahri and ananias are watching the south maze, tanya and t'hoka the west maze, tori and rhinox the north maze. ursa and i were watching the interior. all is quiet." "then it was just us." i said to the badger warrior.
Give a Little Pt. 2.5
The badger was somewhat overweight, his name tag was smudged, and vest smeared with something yellow. tom looked up as he was given his card back.
Helfer's Busy Day, Chapter 14
The badger guard bowed when he saw helfer walk up. "lord ikling," he said. the other guard, a slender stag, must have just gotten off shift; he trotted back to the palace as helfer eyed the badger curiously.
Rubber and Pigskin (Pt. 3)
Then i saw that damn badger blocking mine and cory's way into the endzone as i heard pawfalls coming closer.
Changes of heart: Ghosts
As he flew, the pup completed a graceful roll that brought him back on his foot-paws in time to see the badger hit the ground flat on his back. a small smile played across the young wolf's narrow muzzle as the breath whooshed out of the badger.
Their Furry Fate
The slaves eventually came to prison cells that were guarded by a big badger, marking off each slave as they entered their cell. "this isn't good. that badger will know we aren't slaves if he has a list of the slaves they have.
Liquid Lunch
As he paused to recall if they had any spare bulbs lying around, a badger poked his head in from the other room. "boris, i'm ordering out, what do you want?"