Remember Me 1 - With Eyes Reflecting Sunsets

_"Nnnnngh...good morning."_ _"Is it?"_ muttered Sunscreech. _"I cannot tell from inside a cave-"_ _"Shut up,"_ snarled Methyl, _"you said that yesterday and the day before and it's getting old like you."_ _"Then do not talk back to me until YOU...

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Remember Me 8 - Within Lavender Paradise

At the end of the hyperlift, Jack and Dronin stepped out onto a giant steel-grey floor where cargo was being stacked and moved throughout several pits beneath them like a giant picross board. Reploids shuffled back and forth pushing and pulling whilst...

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Remember Me 7 - At the Deep Indigo Site

As soon as the door closed behind them, there came smiles all round as Jack patted Barkclaw gladly. "Hahaaaaaa nice WORK mister dino dude!" _"Well done Barkclaw,"_ said Dronin patting his neck in turn, _"that was exceptional."_ _"Th-thank you!"_...

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Remember Me 10 - Beyond Dreams of Crimson Flame

**"AWAKE."** The first voice he heard was a voice he had always known. **"RISE AND SHINE MY LOYAL SERVANTS, IT'S TIME TO CONTINUE YOUR GREAT WORK FOR MY FUTURE EMPIRE!"** The sound of stretching limbs and hissing exhaust trembled through the...

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Remember Me 9 - In Memory of Darkness signatures detected._ signatures detected._ signatures detected._ Dronin kept walking through the endless void, sensors analyzing the infinite darkness to no avail. He felt the illusion of solid ground...

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When I Chose You 1 - I Lost My Heart

**_THE SCRIPTURES OF ODDCLAW_** **Fifteen: When I Chose You** _"Whenever there is a meeting, a parting is sure to follow. However, that parting need not last forever."_ _Happy Mask Salesman, The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask_ Night brought the...

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Kaiju ga Gotoku 4.6 - Bait and Switch

_"Sources are unclear as to why the gas leak occurred,"_ began the news report, _"witnesses say they first saw the fire spread through the second-highest floor of the Pyongyang hospital, before the devastating...

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Kaiju ga Gotoku 4.5 - The Deadliest Game

On another of his day-offs, Gaho Murata was down at the ping-pong training circuit in the community centre, waiting for the tournament to start. The hammering clack of the ball between paddles filled the room as Majuma spray-painted a few more...

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Kaiju ga Gotoku 4.4 - Black Wings

Kiryu sat in the waiting room at the clinic, staring at the white walls and tapping the fuzzy carpet under his shoes. Along two rows of seats he saw a hatchling coughing fire, two small puppies playing with some blocks, a long-bearded oni reading...

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Kaiju ga Gotoku 4.3 - Gordon's Big Day Out

Gordon McCartin woke up to the sound of a bell, the odd familiar song of four tones that had once belonged to the towers of Westminster. Some ancestral part of him cringed from the melody, as he roused himself from his bed. ...

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Kaiju ga Gotoku 4.2 - Suspect Contained

Back in Kaijurocho, Gyao Shin Kaneyama sat in a cold interrogation room, her arms cuffed behind her back and her wings wrapped in a thick leathery sack against the chair. Her mouth was covered by a steel cage of energy-dampening steels, still...

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Kaiju ga Gotoku 4.1 - A Brother's Reunion

_October 3rd_ Somewhere northwest of Kaijurocho, there lied a ward known as Suginamazu that was practically its own city. It was perfect during the autumn when cedar trees would grow along avenues and shed their leaves to scatter across the...

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