Out There

When he releases his arrow it explodes in fireworks over the flying saucer like a flare or a warning to those lower in the canopy that there is something worth looking up at in their skies tonight.

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Part two of the war

He zigged and zagged and did his best to avoid the arrows. he had never been in contact with an archer before let alone chased by one. it was fast, but mentablood was faster. he soon lost his pursuer and then came out of range of the arrows.


The Legend of Spyro - Sins of the past - Chapter 8: Battleground

Spyro recognised arrows what creature kept in quiver on right side of it's pelvis. "those arrows. that's the one who killed those orcs weeks ago." spyro whispered. "what is that thing?" sparx whispered "i never seen creature like that.

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The lone wolf (unfinished)

She notches an arrow into her bow and slowly creeps closer to the deer, pulling back on the string ready to fire at the opportune moment.


Interlude (Kreet - 64)

He went and picked up his bow and arrows as she left to go back inside. "sorry kallid," sig laughed as he got up and followed kreet. "i don't know anything about playing bows and arrows! you're on your own."



The first demon jumped forward attempting to slash at shadow's neck but fell half way there with an arrow pierced through his heart.

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He who wore a Feathered Cap

arrow pecked messily at his seeds scattering them more than eating them. the teen looked back on the afternoon he spent training his pokémon after he caught arrow.

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Fnding My Husband in Another World: Season 3: Chapter 4: Assessments

The wood arrow is . . . honestly i don't know what it does." he passed me an arrow with a wooden bulb for a tip. i figured out right away what it was for. "draw a wood arrow and fire at one of the practice dummies."

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Virtually Unreal

Hank pulls his bowstring back as if there were an arrow in his hand. he looses the string, and magically, a light green arrow appears out of nowhere and streams for the creature. as the arrow strikes, it splinters and embeds itself deeper within.

Outside The Walls chapter 3

James turned around and punched nick in the face and ran off, i was stunned as nick took the bow and readied an arrow, i saw james running as nick let the arrow fly. i almost cried as the arrow found it's mark, the back of james's head.

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Ander - Part 1: Subchapter 31

And why was ander holding up an arrow like that? and what was that black thing in the - hezzi froze, the true horror of what he was seeing slamming into him all at once.

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Fairy in the Moonlight

Sitting in a branch with the arrow embedded in her chest, the girl kicks her feet and hums. "you're funny. we should play." with that, she pulls the arrow out, her skin smooth and unblemished by the piercing weapon.

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