Outside The Walls chapter 3

Story by crazybeagle on SoFurry

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#3 of Outside The Walls

Well time for another chapter, Thank you for posting. Enjoy the new chapter! :)


As the badly injured wolf lands beside me I stand up and grab my bow off the ground a few feet away. I look back at the wolf as James retrieves the knife out of the wolf's chest. The wolf stops moving and one of the wolves that was helping the Jaguar sprints towards the unconscious wolf to stop the bleeding.

I walk over to James as he was cleaning the knife and I say "Thank you for saving my life, what do we do now?" James looks at me with a puzzled expression and says "No problem, I think when those wolves are not looking, we make a run for it." I say back "Sounds great, but where would we go? There are probably more where we live, and I don't want to risk getting killed to find out if I am right." James replies "ok, we can try to go further into the forest." I nod and say "It is better than staying here."

James pokes my shoulder and points to the wolves. The wolves seem to be looking the other way, we quietly get up with our stuff and turn around to face away from the wolves. We walk into the forest, we keep looking around to see if they followed us, and to watch for other Anthros.

The wolf looking after the Jaguar.....

"OK, Nick it looks like you are good to go, you're lucky that human missed the artery and tendon, or you could be in worse condition." said Jack (A brown wolf Anthro). "Thank you for your help." Nick says to Jack. Jack replies "No problem."

Nick stands up he sees that the two humans are gone. Nick says "The humans are gone." Jack yells "What!" and uses his nose to find the path the humans took. Jack says as he points into the forest "they went that way, they only left ten minutes ago" Nick looks where Jack is pointing and says "I will follow them to see where they are going."

Jack says "Try not to get hurt, remember they have weapons and next time I might not be there to help." Nick says "What do you want done with them when I catch them?" Jack says "You got hurt by them, so you decide, if you are going to kill them only kill the blond haired one since he shot you, but make it painless, and only kill the brown haired one if he runs away. We may be at war but we are also trying to make peace with them so at least give them a chance."

Nick says "Sounds good, bye." As he ran as fast as he could with a limp after the humans.

Zach in the woods (Nick finally caught up to them, and is following them while listening).........

James and I have been walking for almost twenty minutes. I say turning my head to face James "So what do you think they will do to us if they find us?" Jack looks worried and says "I don't know, but you might get it better then I will, you only injured the Jaguar, I probably killed the wolf."

I say "I hope the Jaguar is ok, I can't believe I got him with an arrow, I feel so bad, I never wanted to hurt anything. He just scared me." we kept walking and didn't say anything to each other. I had the strange sensation that we were being watched.


(thinking only) "So the blond human did not mean to hurt me, maybe I won't kill him, I mean if it was an accident and I did scare him. I might go easy on him." I was thinking as I followed the humans further into the forest. "We are getting a little close to my town. I should stop them while they don't have their weapons out or loaded." I thought to myself as I got ready to catch them.


In the distance we could see a clearing with some huts. I turned to James and said "Maybe they can help us." James replies "Well we can......" He was cut off by someone grabbing our shoulders. We are scared out of our minds, also hoping it was someone from the army.

The person turned us around and we saw the Jaguar from before, the Jaguar then says "Where do you two think you are going?" James looks petrified so I try and answer "U-um we w-were walking a-and saw the town, s-so we were going to hide there." The Jaguar says as he looks at me "you shot me, why did you run away?"

I was about to answer but James said "It was my idea to run, he just followed me." The Jaguar says "That was brave of you to take the blame for running away. By the way what are your names?" I reply "I'm Zach." And James said "I am James." the Jaguar smiled and said "And you can call me Nick, you both will have to come with me to my town, also I will have to take your weapons." James and I both look to the ground, and give Nick our weapons and start walking with Nick behind, us making sure we don't run.

Nick says "In the town we are heading to, the rules say that 'The Injured person, is to be the only one who will punish the person who Injured them' so James you will be punished by my leader once he gets better. And Zach I will be the one that gives you your punishment for hurting me." I look over at James and he looks terrified, he was also looking around.

James turned around and punched Nick in the face and ran off, I was stunned as Nick took the bow and readied an arrow, I saw James running as nick let the arrow fly. I almost cried as the arrow found it's mark, the back of James's head. James fell over dead, and I was in shock, my best friend was dead.

Nick looked at me and said "Sorry about your friend, I was told to kill him if he got away. If it will make you feel better we can bury him." I said "OK." And we spent the next hour burying him and started to walk again.

Nick was now walking beside me and asked "So you saw James run away, why didn't you follow him?" I replied "I guess I was too stunned that he would do that, to be able to follow him." Nick replied "Oh, ok."

We got to the town, which was actually the town we were going to ask for help. I look around to see young Anthro children playing around, only to stop when Nick and I walk by them. I see an Anthro wolf with a bandage around his chest walk up to us. Nick says "He is the leader of this town, his name is Matt." Matt looked angry as he looked at me. Matt says to Nick "I thought you were going to kill both of them."