Dragon's Burden: Entering the Wild West ~Ira Gremka'
The chilly air aroung me was blowing hard. The trees were just the iceing for conditions to not fly with this kind of wind, so I stayed on the ground. Looking around for a field in this enchanted forest, being a lone, as usual, made it kinda eriee.. I...
Zootopia Park 13/13 (FINAL)
"back to work, wilde!" bogo roared. the end
Through A Glass Darkly - 3
There was nothing like morning when the two mares woke and began their journey once more. The sky was as dark as ever, the stars as bright and as strange as ever, and the road as black as ever, but it began to climb more often than it sank, and the...
New Recuits
Jack didn't know the officer's name, but he was pretty sure that in wilde's eyes, his name was simply predator.
"Wishful Thinking" (Male Anthro Wolf/Feral Wolf TF)
Although it wasn't "wild" in the truest sense of the word, it was wild to him. he was never much of a nature guy but he couldn't help but want to explore and let his mind feel at ease amidst the serenity enveloping him.
The Risen Curtain - Chapter 19: Changing World
"she took a wild risk." clawse said. "it was far too dangerous, and the chances of backfiring are still high." "still, it seems that things _are_ getting better."
The Risen Curtain - Chapter 1: The Last Day Before the Storm
Anyway, you can do a little research online, nicholas wilde. wilde writes w-i-l..." "i know how to write it!" the tiger snapped at him, and nick actually got a bit startled by this. "but how can we know you really are who you claim to be?"
Homestead Space: Adventures of Furship Lutra: S1 E1 - The Embolids (Stardate 68253.9)
The wild dog nodded his head, still speaking zombie like. "course set. i don't know if the main ship is following us, main sensors are extremely limited."
[Commission] Not the Flame, But the Spark - Chapter 1
Jimmy, this here is my partner, nick wilde. and mr. tall, dark, and stripey here is nox priderock. he's here to provide backup while nick and i oversee his first experience in the field." "pleasure."
Zootopia: Brave New World - Aftermath
Alex almost felt relieved that there were four officers in there: bogo, wilde, hopps, a white ferret into a coat lab with a tag reading "ferris", and even a boar named "razorback", who apparently was from their swat team.
Zootopia: Brave New World - Eating Bugs and Defying Law
Alex cried out as he looked back, and he saw officer nick wilde looking up at him, before backing away.
The Gate-Way Revisited: Chapter 14 Into The Wild Blue Yonder
#14 of the gate-way revisited chapter 14 - into the wild blue yonder "so how were 19th century...furs...able to move the gate-way?" shawn asked as the group made its way along, nearing the far end of the colossal cavern.