Phoenix's Story - Chapter One
But while in the game a trainer might want that nature, i've always wondered how you would deal with such a pokemon in reality.
pokemon kanto league chapter 2
My trainer if you could tag along she has this unnatural gift to understand pokemon would you like that?"
Chapter 5: The Bolt Badge
Our first trainer came to us soon after.
Luca Epilogue
It was council rule that the deliverer could engage a trainer however they wished, a rule luca and i had always enjoyed... in my opinion, a trainer needed a good sense of humor.
Lost Pokemon Episodes: Episode 2
Professor oak passes out a stapled pamphlet filled with knowledge that every trainer needs to know.
Salaceon Tales
I also knew that dan was right, the pokémon league was just a sad hope for trainers, meant to show who could train their pokémon better and to show which trainer could train the strongest war machine, and i hated it.
The Human Species Ch. 27 - Extraordinary Eeveelution Astrid
"in that same vein, they decided that the time had come to see who the greatest trainer of all time was," zoroark continued, "a few years ago, a worldwide tournament was held among trainers." "oh?"
The Human Species Ch.13 - Mythological Monstrosity Rayquaza
"h-he attacked the fucking trainer!" "do it now!" lucario yelled as loudly as he could, pinning down the panicking trainer underneath him. "haha, you crazy bastard!" pikablu shouted happily as he charged up, "keep your head down!"
Lost Pokemon Episode: 14- One Night in Celadon
Oak instructs the two trainers. both nod and then they speak to nurse joy. \>\>\>narrator: with the bikes in hand, hakuzo and andrew make their way to cycling road. what awaits these two trainers? find out next episode. \<\<\<
Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 2
When the light became steady red, indicating a total lack of atmosphere surrounding the trainer, the outer door of the launch tube opened and i gave the trainer full throttle and, in 0.1 second, the trainer shot out of the side of the jutland like a cannonball
Cherubi's Story - Chapter Five
"sara - she's the trainer who found me, when i was starving. she's the umbreon's trainer. i... she seems like a good friend. i want to go with her. especially if it means staying with you, too."
Luna and Thief, OI Ch: 4
Seo burned that trainer in her mind, along with the white-haired one. _that houndour was the first to get protective of her trainer. she's stressed the most...