Furry High School: Spring Break: Chapter One

His black pad of a nose led down to a sly grin, showing off the faintest tips of fangs. the lion's frame was a bit larger than the tiger's, shoulders firm without being too broad.

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Open House Day One

\* my wings had grown to an impressive seven meters from tip to tip. about four and a half for each wing. and what's more, the tips were now long enough to touch my ankles when i was standing straight up. in all literalities, they were massive.


Shayde's Story Chapter 1

The wolf cowered away as shayde approached, holding the point of his blade at his nose, staring cross-eyed at his own blood dripping off the tip.

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The Rogue King - Chapter Two

The claws that tipped her four-digit hands and wide-set, talon-like feet looked very sharp, though not as effective as the set belonging to the servile man still sitting atop the walfre.

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Be Careful What You Wish For - Chapter One -

As the horse happily stood and let raefox rub and stroke, it moved only rarely, to position a new itchy spot for the vulpine to scratch with his short, sharp claw tips.

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Diversia - Chapter One - False Peace

The kingdoms and clans were at the brink of war, all that was needed was something to tip them over the edge, something to break the current false peace and create an excuse for mindless violence and war.

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Revved Up - Shiny Koraidon TF

His tail swayed behind him, white scales lining part of it, plated black scales tipped with spikes covering the top half. with a growl, he swung it around, the tip of it coiling around the guy's leg. "gah, let me go, you freak!"

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Brother Light, Brother Dark: In Which One Forgives

Like a mole digging blindly into the earth, donichis clawed off the books from every shelf, then tipping them to the floor with a loud crash in succession.

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Rebirth ch21

The onix was in a state of shock as it looked down at the stump/tip of it's tail, the tip of it's tail laying on the floor, and gave me a shocked look.

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The Gift 3: Birthday Changes

His nose turned up at the tip and turned a black and leathery texture while the rest of his nose kept the fur that was covering his face.

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Beer Brawl

"looks like we have a detour," judy says, holding the yellow tip. "'shot glasses or field goals'?" in this show, detour is another word for choice.

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Ander - Part 5: Subchapter 58

He tried to get up and james lunged forward, almost driving the tip of the knife into his neck. it was so close the tip was actually parting the fur. just a little bit further... "get off me!"

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