No Light to be Seen: Chapter 19

Curious i stopped trying to suffocate myself long enough to see the man giving the very angry and frustrated rat a noogie as he struggled fruitlessly to get away as the man muttered "possessive lil bugger aren't ya!

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Filling the Void - Chapter Sixteen

"i'm pretty good at finding the good in everyone, but his... his is buried so deep that i fear it has suffocated by now."

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Chronicles of an End: On the Road again- Part Three

Valax noticed their concerned looks, and suddenly felt suffocated. she needed to get out of there. "i'll get an early start on today's trading." she suddenly snapped in an unnecessarily angry tone. "i'll meet you two in the market.

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Switch Failure

"so you are proposing," repeated k caustically, "to get us stuck down here and suffocate, rather than us getting to the surface and derailing. no thanks." "we can send people down there, k.

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A Tail for Two - Chapter 10

I knew that the speakers out on the dance floor were loud, maybe one of the loudest i've ever heard, but in this room the sound was almost completely muffled as if it was being suffocated on its path through the walls.

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Sky Ocean Chapter 11

She'd practically been suffocated by the young wolf's hug when she'd granted her permission to go. "just be back before eight, honey. dinner should be ready by then." harvy beamed at her mother. "no problem mom!"

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Embracing the Field (Part 2 of 3)

Ajit couldn't breathe, feeling as suffocated by the black and red fur around him as the muscles closing his windpipe. he began mentally flipping through ways of providing himself with oxygen, but nothing came to mind.

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Life is Just a Storm- Chapter 30- Persistence

That was what suffocated him. lukan had his eyes shut due to the pain, and due to the wind and rain. the storm overwhelmed each and every one of his senses. but why? why had it returned?

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Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 163

Pounding against her stomach, could see the vapour puffing from his nostrils in an ever increasing rhythm, every breath accompanied by the expansion and contraction of his chest, pushing against her, forcing her to time her own breaths just so she wouldn't suffocate

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The Anvil of Dawn, Chapter 10: Backbone

Each moment was elegic, a shifting desert that was threatening to suffocate her under its weight. despite that, she held her ground as best she could, keeping her sharp emerald irises focused on the nervously darting gold ones in front of her.

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The Stages - A 22 weeks companion novella

Mack and foxman helped pass up red's body, even as the smoke suffocated them and the flames burnt them alive. joker came next, and he was... he was in a bad way, mostly because he was still alive, the poor bastard..."

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Juryokine: Exile of Heroes, Chapter Forty Two

Minutes passed, and the tension was thick enough to suffocate toke by the time zashiel finally came back with his parents and inaska trailing behind her--and, he was surprised to see, captain treyn as well.

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