The two orphans meet the hyena trio in lion king .
Sloan ran and started to eat the with amiri then shenzi and ed started laughing then shenzi manege to say "your food got stolen by a cub" "hay it's not like you lost your food before" talking to shenzi who was still laughing "your right i have it".
_ _ _ _finally, the impudent pup who is delivering this message sassed me, spat on my new boots, insinuated some oh so unkind things about sweet simba, and stolen important-looking documents(they're not) from my desk.
Passing Drills
Even in the time since i'd stolen the ball, she'd managed to rush deep to the other side of the court, somehow keeping herself open. it was an easy pass, and guaranteed points.
What is unspoken
He announced finding some obscure reference, "they linked it to a stolen vehicle used in a bank robbery, but they couldn't tie it to yellow, so no charges were brought."
His futon was full of shattered glass from the window, none of his stuff was stolen, and most importantly, he saw an unknown male person, about the same age as him, completely unconscious.
7 Year Journey
Follow that stolen ship! brokarr, target all weapons that will bear! engage!" the goldcrest leapt forward under blackpaws experienced hands. "mr. brokarr, when we are in range fire to disable that floating scrap pile."
Pitch Episode 4: Trying and Trying
What made it worse was here justifying the action by bringing each stolen page home and giving them to me like presents.
Mama Wolf
Had the wolf stolen them from someone just for him? well... if so he was really thankful! he felt slightly bad about whoever she had stolen them from... but it was a lot better than if she had brought him back a chunk of raw meat!
Snake Eye - The Key To The Mystery
Quite bereft of gratitude, to be sure, and we had to be rather insistent to get our promised payment...fortunately, we recovered enough of the stolen materials to more than make up for it, so he did relent."
Tropical Revised - Chapter Four
The otter then took a bite out of the stolen apple and made sure to savor it as rye did just a moment ago. "that's mine."
The Tide of Bigger Things chapter 2
You see, i don't have to worry about getting a knife to the back or getting my purse stolen here. when you stole carmine's coin you didn't steal his coin.
Let Them Have Cake
He'd stolen that wonderful cake from his own boyfriend, regardless of his initial motive.