08 - Mask of Courage

Releasing the locomotion spell caused his shield spell to waiver and the whole of his body suddenly stung. a sharp intake of breath hurt his lungs and terror slogged ice into his veins.

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The Lost Dragon Saga (Part II)

"could the spell have been cast differently or maybe it's two slightly different spells?" "that makes even less sense!" kardonyth replied. "it has nothing to do with the spell!"

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The Guardians of Equestria - Introduction

"we were also wondering why thy never told us about thy plaque spell change, or why ye didn't tell us that twilight had already helped create a spell after finishing one of star swirl's final spells?"

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S2 Ep6 New friend

Marble then looked around "woah these do work... what's the spell?" dakota took one of marbles hands and held it like it was a handshake as a small spell circle formed around their hands.

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The Guardians of Equestria - Chapter 2 – Mornings, Messages, Meetings, and Meanings…

I used the only spell that came to mind that fit that description..." "what spell would that be twilight?" "i used a placebo spell celestia. the spell literally doesn't do anything at all, but the spell itself is extremely weak and faint when used.

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Princess Luna - Chapter 2

The sisters' combined spell of mass transport was powerful indeed, but not powerful enough...

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Blade Tail- A Whole New World

It'll also tell him what other spells may be in the various buildings, but other than spells designed to help protect them from damage and maintain stability, there don't seem to be much of any spells on those.

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Rose- Lunch Time

We have a few spell labs that you'll have to spend some time in every day for at least the first few weeks that you can use to practice the spells you see in there.

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Chapter 16

The spell _ion cannon_is indeed a very powerful and advanced spell for someone of your age to cast. it was amazing at all that you could conceive of it, let alone form it correctly without losing control. truly an impressive achievement."

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Attack (Kreet 10)

It was the most powerful spell she knew that was not the forbidden spell, but she knew even that was only a level 1 spell. she began to feel useless. then the knight, for kreet could think of no other word for him, engaged in battle with the monster.

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Calex's Arcanist Training

However, under normal conditions his spell casting was abysmal. calex struggled to cast even a basic ruin spell. but, that was only in his normal state.

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Chapter 2: Vengeance

And with that he began another spell. wren kept her eyes on him, intent on dodging whatever he decided to unleash upon her. he completed the spell and hurled a bolt of lightning her way.

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