Wasteful Death, CH 09
Trembor smiled, "you're a sneaky wolf." he grabbed his hand and pulled him close. "i love you," he said before wrapping his arms around marlot and kissing him.
Chapter 7 (Riley)
My sneaky eyes find a card with "-nler" on it. i pull it out and it says "the canler". a business card. i stuff it in my pocket and zip her purse back up. i run back to my seat and sit down. "what's you find?" mike asks.
Ander - Chapter 4, Subchapter 21
If enough of them have crossed over, then there might not even be any reason for all this sneaky backstabbing. they could launch a full-blown revolt. if that happens, then the law might as well be no more than the ash underneath his feet right now...
Ander - Chapter 2, Subchapter 22
You really should be more cautious, especially when running a sneaky errand such as this..." "what do you want!?" "why all the yelling, sai? i was merely curious as to where you kept disappearing off to.
Ander - Part 4: Subchapter 21
If enough of them have crossed over, then there might not even be any reason for all this sneaky backstabbing. they could launch a full-blown revolt. if that happens, then the law might as well be no more than the ash underneath his feet right now...
Ander - Part 3: Subchapter 30
But then again, most wolves weren't of the sneaky persuasion. they were already inching closer, tightening the circle around them, many with weapons in hand. "stay back!" all the shouting was making ander's throat burn.
At least this shows that i'm not that desperate and sneaky enough to take this chance to make this a good 'accidental' groping session. gerrald didn't seem to notice my nervousness or anything.
You sneaky little pest! i should just kill you right now!" courage growled again,"you idiot! killing me won't help you! theres no point to it now! now were gonna both die here!" katz then felt enraged, "yeah, well atleast my parents aren't dead!"
Ander - Part 2: Subchapter 22
You really should be more cautious, especially when running a sneaky errand such as this..." "what do you want!?" "why all the yelling, sai? i was merely curious as to where you kept disappearing off to.
Phoenix - Chapter 6 - Dining In
Daron pauses the game and wags his index finger just as the sneaky little fox is about to whisper a very naughty statement. "how do you always know!?" robert shouts. "i told you at the hotel, magic-wolf-ears. don't you remember?"
Lament of the Moon: S&H - Ch.03: Predator of Innocence - Ep02
You sneaky cat!" sasuga frowned and pinched cat's cheek playfully as he chuckled. "well, isn't that what you always order?" kyle inquired, rubbing his cheek.
Gone and Come Home Ch. 7
"there you are you sneaky little wolf..." he said, coming over to sit next to me. i snuggled up close to him as he sat down. "man, got a lot of stuff on you now, huh?" he said, pointing at my chest brace and knee brace. "yeah...