Frost- Part #2 Friends Gained
That half the ruby was gone.
City of Fire Part 1
I smile happily as i hide under a old tree the old roots all twisted and knobbed from age. nearby i hear foot falls of two people looking around. as i watch two sets of feet one a ruby red and one a brillant gold walks past my hiding place.
City of Fire Part 1
I smile happily as i hide under a old tree the old roots all twisted and knobbed from age. nearby i hear foot falls of two people looking around. as i watch two sets of feet one a ruby red and one a brillant gold walks past my hiding place.
Defeat at the hands of shiny Beasts (Chapter 3 of my YuGiOh series)
He used rainbow dragon to get rid of ragnarok, then attacked with saphire pegasus, ruby carbuncle, and cobalt eagle, finishing the fox and winning the match for the panther.
You walked within your mind, thinking if you could run the blade along your arm and free the ruby blood. now for a whole eternity rest in the box of wood. take my hand and follow me towards the light up in the sky.
You wear upon your ears and necks, and other body parts unmentioned, the seeds of many great new paths-- to dig them up is to besmirch the branching ways and tendril'd roads that each universe can soon unveil if we would only look inside a ruby
Dusty eventually had gotten 9 other siblings ages 18-11 named dan,yanis,curtis,mark,jamie,opal,ruby and nora.
The evening
The orange sky was fading fast, drew nearer and nearer to the half-rounded ruby red sun as time ticked by.
Akari Omoiyari Biography
Mate: julie ruby profession: tailor.
Flamefeathers - The Scepter
The ruby set in the tiara she wore in her raven colored hair glowed brightly enough that she could see a good distance in any direction her head pointed.
Hybrid - The Lust
Raven simply blinked as he tossed a flawed ruby at the goblin, it thumped the creature right in the forehead causing it to shriek in terror. "goki never surr- ruby? what you pay for? goki not have you customer..."
Armor Tesing
The dragon looked very young, only three feet long and was ruby red and green. it had several deep gashes in it's haunches, and bite marks on it's neck. if it didn't get help soon it would bleed out. "phalanx here.