Chapter Five: Sharp Beaks Near the Great Valley
His friends cera, ducky, petrie, spike, etta, wild arms, chomper, and ruby helped him rescue bron. they'd rescued him from the fire mountain. littlefoot was glad that his father was still alive.
07 - Between Heaven and Equestria
"i need you to rescue a damsel in distress," she spoke simply ... and then the details flashed before his eyes.
One Last Dance
A charmander, a fire type pokemon was scavenging for rescue missions to undertake or pokemon to rescue whichever one came first, it didn't much matter to him either way.
Armed with that knowledge, i returned to my bed and filled such dreams as i then had with plots for my lord's rescue and release.
The Guilded Cage, Ch 9
What worried him was the execution planned for the following day coupled with a half-baked plan for rescuing an orcish prisoner by some well-meaning but poorly-informed do-gooders.
Splintered Light, Chapter 2.2: Almost Planned Out
A variety of plans including salvage of cargo and supplies, rescue, and both were rendered.
Uninvited Guests/Round 2
My pokemon mystery dungeon blue rescue team game. 3. my pokemon mystery dungeon red rescue team game. the idea for raizy was actually from someone else's disbanded online story.
The Pain of Memories
She was the first female he had ever rescued from rapists, and had been there with him through everything...the construction of this place, the heartbreak he was going through...everything.
Story: Rex - Old Blue Eyes the Wanderer
Gairiff could have sworn were glowing in the darkness of the night that "old blue eyes" rescued him.
The Gift - Part 3 - STORY
Ethan did the same, if only to buy himself a few seconds while he considered their host and the man they had been sent to 'rescue'.
Nikki's special jutsu
Months after being on the island, the survivors were rescued by the rangers with their pokemon because the wind and the sea of the island was not adapted for transport as boats, ships or rescue helicopters.
rescuing princesses, getting those princesses rescued from us, fighting demons and evil wizard duels. artimas, do you have any regrets?" the mage looked at the dragon sorry. blood covered his once white beard. " yes, tying your life force into my own."