A night at Mt. Moon. Digimon Cross over fic
Digimon could not be caught by pokeballs because they would just reform out the pokeball and the only pokemon that could step into the digimon's world was the porygon set who could not stack up to the sheer power of champion and ultimate level digimon.
The Human Species - BAD END: 'Rebirth'
"soon enough..." the scientist responded, reaching into his lab coat and pulling out a pokeball. "you... you can understand me...?" celebi asked as she became surprised and calmed down a bit.
Is it possible, i thought to myself, that this is the inside of a pokeball? i could move freely, yet this overbearing sense of confinement pierced any will to try and explore the void.
Journey to another world pt2 ch83
Then everything went black as i was sucked into the pokeball and allowed myself to be captured. time is a strange thing when your inside one of those pokeballs. it's almost like being asleep, but when your released from that ball, your somewhere else.
Journey to another world pt3 ch92
When i reached down to move the offending/painful poking object out of the way, did i realize that it was on of my pokeballs, but more specifically kit's pokeball.
She stood when he took her pokeball. "you ready?" she heard. "vee" her tone strong, confirming. pocketing her ball, he swept her from the bed. over his shoulder; her final glance of his room as they ambled downstairs.
Cherubi's Story - Chapter Five
My pokeball was held in her hand - which made me wonder what had happened to sara. i looked around and found her sitting up on another bed.
Operation Snowpoint
Fusil flexes his arms, grabbing a pokeball from in his pocket. "you know it! say hello to eruption!" he yells.
A Rare Gift
I followed the two girls out the door and down the road after thanking the pokeball artist once more and after a while i noticed lady was staying out ahead of me.
It's Just a Game
I threw another pokeball at it, but this one must have been broken it didn't do anything i quickly threw another one now down to my last this time it didn't even wiggle it just popped right out and lunged at me again.
Rebirth ch16
"back then, i was still getting used to the whole idea of me being a pokemon and didn't know what would happen if someone were to use a pokeball on me." suicune nodded. 'i think i see your point.
Dragon's Heart Prologue REDUX
She hesitantly took and held out the very pokeball. "pokeball... release!" she commanded. at once, a blue burst of light enveloped the rayquaza, and soon dissipated.