Journey to another world pt2 ch83

Story by Tootall on SoFurry

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#33 of Journey to Another World pt2

Journey to Another World 5 Ch. 15 * * *

(Switch to Kit's perspective FLASHBACK)

  • * * Ever since that day so long ago, I'd known that there was something different about him, even a sheet of reinforced glass at the breeding center couldn't stop me from seeing, feeling, or sensing that about him. When I'd sensed that there was somebody coming down from the upper stairs, I thought that it was another trainer just here to breed his bitch or have his male that was too high strung, relieve it's tension on some poor bitch here, then leave. When I felt my current trainer/breeder since I was given to him walk down the stairs with someone new behind him, I couldn't help but let out a snarl with my hackles raised and my fur standing on end. 'If he thinks that he's going to have another pass at me to get me to breed, then he's dead wrong.' I thought to myself as I got to my feet, lowered my head, and raised my muzzle a little more into a frightening snarl. So when he passed by my enclosure, I was about to leap out and slam my shoulder into the glass in a Tackle attack, but stopped when I felt the presence of something/someone else. Being confused about this new presence I sat back down on my haunches and looked towards the glass with my head cocked to one side in confusion at this new presence. I could almost swear that that new presence was right outside the glass. That's when I felt the breeder presence push past this new one, and knew that he was to close for comfort, I leapt to my feet, lowered my head, and growled deeply to warn him off. When he didn't back away from my threat, I quickly rushed the glass and slammed into it with my shoulder again. 'Like hell I'm going to allow you any closer than and you had better think twice about sending in another Pokemon to breed me.' I was about to slam into the glass once more as I could still feel his presence still near the glass as he had not been scared off yet but when the breeders presence grew in maliciousness, which told me what was to come next. Slowly walking backwards, I kept me hackles raised, and moved to the center of my room. I was so on edge right then that I didn't feel his threatening presence leave until his presence was replaced by the others. I couldn't tell the reason but for some reason his presence washed over me like a cloud and washed away all the anger I felt for the breeder. Almost swaying, I walked back up to the glass and could feel the calming presence from the other side of the glass. 'This presence. I don't know who or what it is that is causing this, but it feels so...good.' I don't know what came over me, as I looked up at the glass and gave the glass a lick about the place the presence was strongest. I wanted so much to feel that presence against my skin as I raised up like a Skitty that was having it's back scratched and rubbed my body against the glass where the presence was. I was so engrossed with trying to get this presence to try and pet me through the glass (which was impossible though that hardly registered in my fogged up mind), that I did not notice when the presence being pulled back from the glass and move down the corridor. Pressing up against the glass as I could not understand why the presence was going away, I whined at the direction of where it was moving off to. 'It's going away. Please don't go away.' As the presence walked off, it's wonderful feeling slowly started to pull the fog out of my mind. 'What is wrong with me? How is it that a mere presence of something bring me into such a drunken state as that?' I thought to myself as I began to shake my head to rid myself of the fog that was in my mind as well as bat at one of my ears that had begun to itch. The next few minutes were very hard for me to understand as there was a drastic change in the presences feel. As if almost on que, I felt the presence quickly heading back towards me, but it must not have known I was there as it quickly retreated to back from where it had fist come from. A whine escaped my muzzle as I feared that this would be the first and last time that I ever felt like this, but that was quickly overridden by the feeling of emotional pain from the presence as well as something else. Not knowing what to do next as my emotions began to become a mess from trying to understand what had changed so drastically, I lay down in the center of my room and placed my head on my outstretched forepaws. A moment later I could feel something wet slowly start to drip down my muzzle and I realized that I was crying. "RENA!" I quickly leapt to my feet and quickly began to look around the room for the source of the yell. 'What in the world was that?' I thought as I was so thoroughly awoken from a light nap. Walking towards the glass I used my senses to reach out and try and feel what was going on. Imagine my surprise when I felt that the presence had returned. Giving off a happy yip I began to prance around in front of glass with glee at the return of the presence. That didn't last long as a new emotion from he presence began to enter my senses. 'Why is the presence so angry?' I thought but didn't get to think to deeply on the fact as the presence must have realized what I'd known all along (that this man was bad). What followed was a little lost to me as I could not hear much from this other side of the glass. Though I couldn't hear much, that didn't stop me from using my senses and reach out beyond the glass and picture what was going on. The presence's fear/anger had quickly changed to one of determination and anger, but all that quickly died down as I could feel a deep concentration coming from it now. This lasted for quite some time until the presence was overwhelmed by that of relief and I couldn't help but sigh in relief as well. 'The whirlwind of emotions from the presence have finally settled down.' I thought as I paced back and forth in front of the glass in hopes that the presence would come back to meet me again. A few moments later I heard an alarm somewhere go off and saw a door to the back of my enclosure open. Not knowing what was going on, I just stayed there at the front of the glass, still hoping that I'd get a chance to meet this presence. Unfortunately that was not really the case as the breeders presence stopped right in front of my glass as well as the other presence. I didn't know what was going on so I just waited in front of the door. A moment later, the glass door opened and as I leapt out. 'FREEDOM!' I thought but was yet again shocked when my freedom bore unexpected pleasures as my freedom came right into contact with the presence that I'd been hoping to meet. I was so happy to finally meet this presence/person that I couldn't help but get enough of him, as I began to give him a thorough tongue bath. After a while, I finally let up on my kiss and lay down against his chest to be as close to the overwhelming sense of peace that he gave off. "Is it true Ninetails? Do you wish to come along with me? And give you a name as well?" I couldn't believe it. This person was really wishing for me to stay with him. I quickly gave him a nod and happy 'yes', as I continued to nuzzle him under his chin. It all seemed like a dream after that. The person took me outside for the first time in...I don't remember the last time I actually saw real bushes and grass. Beside myself, I began to run around, breathing in all the wonderful new smells (as the only thing that you could smell down in the breeders cells was pheromones from the other females in heat or musk from the males in rut.) After a while I eventually heard him call out to me and I turned to see him sitting on a bench. Being in such high spirits, I pranced on over to him and joined him up on the bench and lay my head down upon his lap. 'By Arceus. Can this day get any better?' I though, only to be pleased so much more when he started to pet me which got me to smile with my ears back to enjoy the petting/scratching. "It would seem that you enjoyed yourself quite a bit out there," He said as my tails began to wave around to give him my answer, only to stop waving when his hands stopped scratching me behind my ears. "Though I would like to ask you a few questions Ninetails." Hoping that he'd continue to scratch me while I listened, I looked up at him while keeping my head in his lap. "The first is of course, 'Do you want to come along with me on my Pokemon Journey? And if so, would you be okay if I gave you a name?'" 'This day gets better and better.' I thought as I quickly sat up and gave him a nod. 'I would love to join you on a Journey and I don't mind if you give me a name. As a matter of a fact, I would love it if you gave me a name.' I said to him, though I knew that he couldn't understand me, though he seemed to get the idea when I nodded to him and gave him a quick lick to his cheek. "I'll take that as a yes to both." He said as he began to scratch me behind my ears again, though this time his scratching was a little off as if he were thinking of something. 'Is he going to think up a name for me right now?' I thought but didn't need to think long as he stopped scratching me again, to which I looked up at him. "Then how about I call you...Kitsune? Or Kit for short?" He asked me with a smile as if the name had some sort of special meaning behind it. 'By Arceus. I did not think that this day could get any better. Released from that awful breeder who had nothing better on his mind than to see me with egg, meeting a person who seems to radiate peace that can calm me down no matter how angry I was, allowing me to see the outside world in...who knows how long, asked if I wish to stay by his side, and even given a name.' I couldn't stand it any longer and tackled him to the bench and began to give him my answer in the only other way that showed just how happy I truly am. After I'd given him a even more decent tongue bath to his face, I jumped down and gave him one of my most biggest foxy grins. "What's up Kit? Is there something else?" I heard him ask me, to which I nodded and pointed towards his belt with a paw, once he'd sat up. 'If what you say is true, then we had best make this official.' I thought as he stood up and removed one of the Pokeballs off his belt and enlarged it. 'I just hope that he lets me out once in a while so that I can be with him.' "And, welcome to the family Kit." He said which confused me a bit, but when the words sunk in, I couldn't help but feel a swelling in my chest. 'He does not view me as just something to battle with, he sees me as a family member.' If he hadn't tapped me on my forehead with that ball, he would have seen the tears that were forming in my eyes. 'Thank you Arceus.' Then everything went black as I was sucked into the Pokeball and allowed myself to be captured. Time is a strange thing when your inside one of those Pokeballs. It's almost like being asleep, but when your released from that ball, your somewhere else. So when I was released from my ball for the first time, I was a little disorientated and began to look around my surroundings. I was in some kind of room that must have been somewhere far away. After I'd taken in the area, I focused on trying to find my new master and when I saw him, I quickly tackled him to the bed and proceeded to give him another tongue bath. 'He smells so clean. He must have gotten out of a bath somewhere.' "H...Who the heck is this?!" "_ And when did you get the time to go out and catch another Pokemon Donovin ?" My eyes went wide when I heard the two voices and quickly turned to see who the demanding tones were coming from. There were two other voices belong to two other Pokemon, a Gardevoir, and a Lucario. Both of which were pressing their cheeks together and had a puffy look on their faces as if they were just about to let out a whole bunch of hot air in their mouths. Jumping down off from him I sat down at the ground near the foot of the bed. 'If the two of you must know. My name, 'Which was so graciously bestowed upon me by, 'My Master' is Kit. And who might the two of you be to interrupt out little moment?' "_Oh is that so. Well I hate to brake it to you 'K I T', but that man is our master. Not yours." Said the Gardevoir. "_ Jenavee's right 'K I T'. He has been our master for far longer than he has been yours ." Said the Lucario. "Wo...wo...wo. Now everybody...just...calm...down." Said the trainer, but I looked over my shoulder and gave him a scowl to show him that that was the last thing that I was going to do right then. 'So these two think that I'm just going to bow down to the fact that they've been with him longer. Boy do they have another thing coming.' I thought as I started to growl deeply and allow a small about of flame to lick up my muzzle to show them that I wasn't some weak Vulpix that could be pushed around. I jumped up to all four of my paws, took on a wide stance to show them that I was ready to fight if need be, and growled a little deeper. Just then I felt the recall beam of the Pokeball hit me, and was shocked that I was being recalled to my ball. 'I do not believe this. Is he really willing to show favor to those two when we have barely gotten a chance to know one another?' Deep down I could feel like I'd just been told something very difficult to take and was a little choked up. 'NO! I will not accept this! I will show my dominance and get back at those two.' So using as much strength as I would normally use to break out of a ball that was trying to capture me, I tried to break out of the ball only to have it shrink on me and double it's reinforcement of it's reluctance to let me out. Finally the attempts to break out wore me out and I succumbed to the balls natural sleep inducing mechanism. Though when I was just about to fall asleep, the memories of what those other two Pokemon had told me came to mind. Keeping those things in mind kept me awake and just as it proved to much for me to take I was released. 'LET ME OUT!' I howled out and realized that I was. Looking around I saw that I'd been called out for a battle and saw the small bug type looking at me with fear in it's eyes. "Sorry to bring you out for the first time, only to have you fight Kit." I heard him say as I looked over my shoulder at him and give him an acknowledging nod of his apology. "I would like to ask if you could show me what kinds of moves or attacks you know." To which I couldn't help but smirk. 'This is perfect. Now is my chance to prove to him that I am truly strong. Though it should be a quick battle as a bug hardly stands a chance against my fire type attacks.' I thought as I mentally chuckled to myself. 'Of course...master!' I said the last bit as I turned and faced my opponent. "Just make sure to not use too much force." He said which made a bit of sense as he probably wanted to make sure that he saw all of my attacks before the bug passed out from all the damage that he was about to get. The bug raised up and started to suck in a bunch of air which told me he was about to expel something out of it's mouth. 'He is most likely going to use a String Shot attack to slow me down. This should be perfect for my Will-O'-Wisp attack.' So bringing forth my flame, I condensed it into a small ball within my mouth awaited the bugs attack. When the bug fell back to all it's feet again, it launched it's attack and out came the string. At that same moment, I opened my mouth and shot out the blue flame. It was quite a sight as the flame alit the string as it swirled around and around the string, back to the bug. Once the flame got back to the bug it connected and exploded in a flash of blue fire. Once the flames finally receded, I saw that the bug had been severally burned and would suffer from those burns throughout the rest of the fight. Once the thing had shaken off most of the pain from the burn, it lowered itself closer to the ground then launched itself at me. "Watch out Kit. It's trying to use a Poison Sting attack." To which proved true as it lowered it's head and aimed the spike on the top of it's head at me. 'I am not going to have any of that.' Concentrating on my tails, I brought my body around, brought my tails together, and solidified them into my Iron Tail attack. There came a tinkling sound as the tip of the worms spiked head came into contact with my silver tail. It was a little comical as he slightly wrapped around my tail like that of a wet noodle around a pole. I just looked at him to see if he was finished, but the look in it's eyes told me it was far from that. So flinging the thing back, I took on a fighting stance and awaited for whatever attack came next. The bug slid across the ground and tried to shoot off another String Shot, but didn't have the breath or the energy to perform the attack, as all that came out was a stringy mass that fell before it could even go slightly out of it's mouth. "That is one impressive bug." I heard my trainer say behind me. 'Does he want me to continue this fight?' I thought to myself, but simply shrugged my shoulder and readied my next attack. I was about to launch my Flame Thrower attack, but stopped when I felt a hand land on my shoulders. Letting the fire fizzle out in my mouth, I looked up to him to see him smiling down at me. "That's enough Kit. You did wonderfully." He said which got me to smile as he scratched my back as he knelt down next to me, which I returned as I nuzzled him under his chin. Once he stopped scratching me, I was a little shocked at what he did next. He walked over to the bug and actually treated it's wounds, then was even more shocked when he hardly even flinched when the thing stung him and he didn't retaliate. As he walked back I still couldn't believe that he'd done what he did. Eventually I saw that Gardevoir, Jenavee walk up and stand beside me. I could hardly suppress the feeling of anger at the psychic, but my curiosity won over my anger. *Does he always do that for the Pokemon that we battle?* I asked her. '_Mostly. Though he does not do it to other people's Pokemon, since they usually do not like it when other people fiddle around with their Pokemon when they themselves have potions to heal their Pokemon.' Jenavee said psychically to me. "What'd she say?" He asked her as wiped his hands off on his pants and stopped in front of us. "Kit was just asking me if you did that for every Pokemon that you defeated. And I said that that is the way that you treated all Pokemon that you have either defeated or come across. Especially us." She said in his language which made me a bit jealous, especially when he gave her cheek a gentle rub. He knelt down so that he was eye level with me and gave me a gentle smirk. "I don't know what it was like with your previous trainer, but as long as your with me, I don't want you to deal the final blow to any Pokemon. Everyone should be given the chance to live. No matter what they've done." Then he began to rub me around my muzzle which felt very nice, which I couldn't help but wine out in a gentle tone as it felt so relaxing. Only to stop a moment later which got me to whine a bit as I wanted him to continue. "I guess that last attack that you were about to use was probably a fire attack." He asked me to which I nodded. "Probably either a Flame Thrower or a Fire Spin. Right?" I nodded again. "If you'd be so kind as to show me by using that attack strait up, I'd appreciate it." With a happy yip I quickly bounced away from him and concentrated on giving him the best type of fire attack that I could. Lifting my muzzle to the sky I reached deep within me and shot out the largest Flamethrower attack that I had ever used. Once I was done, I looked over to him and could see that he was very impressed. He walked over to me and gave me a smirk with a small laugh. "Now your just showing off, aren't you?" He said in a way that wasn't really a question. I gave him my answer in a bit of a playful way as I struck out with my tails and hit him in the rump, then quickly leapt away. In the course of one day, my whole life had been turned upside down. From being caged inside a breeders building and never seeing a single beam of real sunlight, to that of being a free Pokemon and then being brought into a wonderful family with a great trainer. This could be nothing but a blessing from 'The God' itself. Over the course of our time together, many things happened, but those things only brought me closer and closer to my/our trainer. So much closer in fact, that I was honestly debating with myself if I should push our relationship to that of beyond Pokemon and Trainer. Though what really cinched it for me was when I am released for a battle against two other Pokemon in a two on two battle. I could smell the scents of both Jenavee and Rena on him now and was starting to feel very hurt. I was losing him to those two and knew that if I didn't do something soon, I might loose him to another Pokemon. In order to prevent this, I tackled him to the ground before the two on two battle and quickly marked him with my scent, which seemed to come off to him as being a bad thing, as he seemed to have gotten the wrong impression of what I'd just done. Over the course of the next few months of being with Donovin. I'd come and gone through two or three more heats, each one worse than the last as my feelings for him grew and grew. It was almost maddening to go through those heats, only to know that they would flare up again fairly quickly as they'd gone unsatisfied. 'I do not know if I can survive another heat without it be satisfied.' I thought. It came to such a relief on this night as I was asked to join him out in the woods, 'Alone' and help with drying the dishes. 'This is my chance, and I am not going to let anything/anyone stand in my way.' I said to myself as I looked over at my trainer, my friend, my...mate.

Journey to Another world pt3 ch100 pt4

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Journey to Another world pt3 ch100 pt2

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Journey to another world pt3 ch100 pt3

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