Chapter Seven
"regeldum--named after the very first organized clan." the teacher peered at ruari and shifted some more papers around. "okay..."
Terminology and Names
**kmo (kantarian military organization)** this is the kantarian equivalent to what we often call the 'armed forces'. it is the parent organization of every martial department, led by roketsune and the strategic council.
Welcome To Equestria: Chapter 4
They are all a part of an organization in manehattan called 'divine design'. ask them if they're a part of that organization and they'll listen up so you can bring them down here.
Tower of Troubles: Bats and Belfries
The organ started to play, the marmots hands flying over the keys as the clock wound forward to strike noon.
Ben and Justin: Our Stand Chapter 1
They both worked for an anti-terrorist organization called sio. they were mostly scouts, being as agile and quick as they were. however, they were also involved in assasinations and other top-priority missions.
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organized crime has always been an issue, and the foundations of many of the biggest crime families and organizations in the city have roots going back centuries. the city also has the largest number of serial killers in the world.
First official character
There's a k9 style spade or dragons as vent depending on convenience favorite weapons: big swords, big,axes, guns, knives and shirukin, senbon(throwing needles often used for assassinations), salfs, and scythes main weapons: a scythe made from an organic
Thirteen Tales 2021 Sign Ups Open
-no snakes -no macros -no plants, pooltoys, plushies, latex, goo, or any non-organic based lifeforms.
Star Fox: Ascension #04 INFILTRATION
Forty organics on primea match scholar designation in common with interim navigator. compiling report on hostile organic insurgents for review.] she had no idea what was going on.
HIVE Mother - Chapter 2
She had enough mastery of her nanites that she could probably reprogram them to make it less obtrusive, or even grow herself a new, organic leg, over time--but she kind of liked the satisfaction of being part death machine as well.
Superiority Chapter 5
They were more organized than most would think. "i have important things to attend to governor. thank you for informing me, but i believe i can trust you with this.
Slime Story: Unfinished
Her openings, like nose, mouth and cloaca seal up, appendages like arms legs, head and neck all merge with her body leaving only a simple organism with a brain and a few vertebra spaced apart floating at the top.