GOLDPAW redux.
You can go be with your mate now." the station commander replied.
More Precious than Silver or Gold
His mate was a healer trained in the application of medicine and magic, yet still she worried.
Chapter 2- Crystalia’s Tale
Relid scowls, frowning pointedly at his mate.
A Fallen Bird
"then i accept you as a mate." she squeals happily as he picks her up. "i, tyrin, of thiesran, take you for my 7th mate," he states. she nods, "and i nissa, of the northern wind tribe, take you for my first mate."
Matriarch (Hueroc/Ellora)
Perfect for flying, and with a mate and three growing hatchlings to feed, he would have some flying to do to find prey for the whole family!
Matheau and Beijore: Family Reunion
Beijore thought quietly to herself, her heart aching as she watched her mate leave. "your so different, and quiet......and you've not mated with me since before the children were born........" she sat there and thought for a few moments.
The Murdered Sun
"i am blessed to have ross," she said, of her mate, "to confide in." "a mate-less captain ... is never a captain for long." "indeed." a pause. "how is audrey?" "she's doing well." a trail.
Seekers Tale Part 43
Desperate to try and get to my mate i slowly push forward against the blasts of energy calling out, "i'm not sure.... shadow, can you hear me?!" the only response that i get from my mate is more yells of pain.
"Family Tails" - Chapter 40
Cormac and his wife/mate annie, sierra and her husband/mate dakota, chrys ann and her husband/mate steve, violet and her husband/mate viktor, kenny and his wife/mate sheila, aurora and her husband/mate conner, and fionn, were all there along with many of their
Grunt vs the Mirror!
One of the crew mates who was carrying the mirror, whispers in other crew mate's ear. "good thing it was steel hard glass, rather not clean that mess up". the crew mate nods.
Gryphon Valley - Act 1
Natanii laughed as she helped her mate off the rocky ground and began to preen his feathers, "you're filthy." yogoloth grinned, "i was so eager to see my sexy mate that i didn't get the chance to preen."
Memories die slower
But when hope was almost gone, my mate suddenly told me to be expecting. a dream was about to come true and we could not ask for more.