Matheau and Beijore: Family Reunion
Matheau and Beijore: Family Reunion
Many apologies on the delay in getting this out, but here it finally is! A new story for you to enjoy! The entire Stratford family is copywritten to me, please dont use them without my consent. No yiff here, so its suitable fo all ages. I would like to dedicate this story to my dearest love, Adamarie Witherwings, who can also be found on Yiffstar.
Beijore yawned as she awoke, and when she looked at the cave wall, gasped as she realized just how late she had slept. It was now noon at least, if not later! When she went into the main room, her heart began to race when Matheau was nowhere to be seen, and the nest was empty. "Matheau?! Matheau where are you?!" She rushed outside,
and when she same the four of them sitting there, she breathed a sigh of relief.
Matheau sat a small distance away from the cliff's edge, too small a distance for her comfort, and he was talking softly to their children. Beijara, sparkling brilliantly bue, was perche atop her father's head, hanging to his every word while she looked out over the valley. The lavender Aurthur lay curled up in the center of his father's back, still sleeping. Matthew, however, stood at his father's side, looking up at him with adoring eyes. "If you look down right there, you can see the herd of gazelle." Matheau said, indicating the animals with a claw. "But when you get older and hunt on your own, you must remember to only take the eler beasts, or the injured. If we take the healthy, young, or breeding ones, we will deplete their numbers, and we will starve." Of course they were too young to understand, but by giving them this information now, it would be easier to teach them later.
"Does the great father never sleep?" Beiore asked teasingly, startling all but the slumbering Aurthur. "I am happy to see you spending time with the children, but you could have woken me up sooner, you know."
"I could have," Matheau admitted. "But you have been waking with them every night, and wearing yourself down because of it. I just wanted you to get some extra rest, honey." Of course she was flattered, and what woman wouldn't be to have such a loving and caring mate. She would have kissed him, but with Beijara on his head, she restrained herself.
"Come, it's time for them to eat. Let's get them inside, and I'll feed them lunch." Beijore said, turning to head back inside the lair. "And after that, you can lay them down for a nap. You can always get them to nap much quicker than I can." Matheau gave just a slight nod so as to not dislodge Beijara, and turned to follow her inside with Matthew keeping pace beside his father.
Beijore couldn't take her eyes off her mate while she was feeding the children. But unlike most times, this was nothing sexual. He looked absolutely miserable. He stared at the entrance to the cave as though he were waiting for someone, sighing periodically. She would glance at him, but she wanted to get the children fed first.
Once it was done, and Matheau had laid the children down to nap, only then did she approach him. "Matheau.....It doesn't take a mind reader to see something is wrong. Talk to me." She settled down next to him and laid her head on his shoulder. It took him a little time before he actually spoke.
"When I first found out you were pregnant with Aurokhan, Jocelyn, and Sasha, I was so very happy. I was still a human then, and didn't think it was possible." He turned his head and nuzzled her, kissing her cheek. "And then you became pregnant with our second cluth of babies, and I was no less happy. But I could never have forseen that Sasha would become pregnant with my child, a child that matches me so exactly that their is no denying
he is my son." He heaved a great sigh, lowering his head to the ground. "I don't get to see him, and worst of all, I feel that I have betrayed you." She stared to remind him that the same very easily could have happened when Aurokhan mated with her, but knowing he would find no comfort there, stayed quiet. "We havent even seen Aurokhan and Jocelyn since they moved....." He sounded very near to tears, and she couldn't bear to see him this way. It was at that point she decided to do something about it.
"Honey, why don't you go fly for a few hours? It will help you calm down and clear your mind." She gave him a soft kiss. "Then, when you get back, you can sing your babies to sleep. How does that sound?" Matheau looked skeptical at first, his eyes narrowed in concentration. At last he made his decision, giving a nod.
"Alright, I will go for a flight. But I will be gone no longer than two hours." He wrapped her in his arms and held her close, nuzzling into her neck. "I love you so much, honey. I don't tell you that near often enough, my beloved." He kissd her chek, and let her out of his arms, making his way to the lair entrance. She stared after him, watching every step. His feet seemed to dragon, and he seemed a shell of his former self. His head, normally held proudly, was more towards the floor, and his wings drooped.
"Matheau, what's happened to you?" Beijore thought quietly to herself, her heart aching as she watched her mate leave. "Your so different, and quiet......And you've not mated with me since before the children were born........" She sat there and thought for a few moments. "I am going to need help for this."
Matheau flew lazily, trying to do what his mate had suggested and clear his head and collect his thoughts. It was difficult, of course, because his mind kept wandering. Sure, Beijore had allowed him to mate with Sasha, but it had all been a ploy, a game of sorts. Their family was very open with one another, and they didn't mind sharing one another......So why did he feel so terrible?
Perhaps it had more to do with the fact that he was not with Sasha helping take care of their son as a good father should. Little Matheau, looking so much like his father with his pristine ruby scales and inquisitive crimson eyes...... Matheau couldn't stop the sobs from coming, letting his tears rain down upon the earth unchecked. And this wasn't even the worst part of the whole situation to him. Was was the worst of all was the sense that he had completely betrayed his wife, his mate, his darling love, and the tears came anew. After a few moments, his tears subsided and he blinked the last of them away. His mind was clouded, but he came to a decision that he thought was best. "I will never hurt her again...... And so I will never mate again."
As he had said, it was near to two hours later that Matheau's tell-tale wingbeats could be heard approaching. "Alright everyone, stay quiet. This is supposed to be a surprise! I'll be right back." And with that, she hurried out to meet her beloved so that he wouldn't spoil all of her hard work. She was waiting for him when he landed and folded his great wings neatly along his back. She rushed to him and placed her forepaws on his chest, rising to kiss his lips. She tried not to seem over eager, but she probably failed. "Come on, love, there is a big dinner waiting!"
Matheau cocked his head in puzzlement, but did not ask any questions as he followed her inside. His suspicions were further aroused when he realized that the lair was alot dimmer than it usually was at this time of day. And it was more suspicious still when he saw how big of a dinner there really was. Far, far to big for their family alone......
"Surprise Daddy!" The dimness suddenly lifted like a veil, and hidden in the darkness...... Was his family, his whole family! A large red banner with gold letters stretched across the entire room, reading, "Stratford Family Reunion." Of course his beloved was in the forefront surrounded by Aurthur, Matthew, and Beijara. Off to one side of them were Aurokhan and Jocelyn. Jocelyn had already shed her egg weight, and was back to her slender self. And sitting in front of them were their babies, who were just a little smaller than their own children, suggesting that they had hatched shortly after Beijore's eggs.
Two female hatclings were the result of their eggs, and he did not yet know their names. One of them was a sleek black in color, with streaks of deep blue on its back and wings so that it almost looked liked contilations of stars in the sky. Even more odd were the color of her eyes, a deep lavender that almost gave her an eerie appearance. She was truely beautiful, and how such a rare coloration had occured completely baffled him. The other female was just as beautiful in not nearly as rare in color. She was a deep sunset in color, with splashes of yellow upon her muzzle. Her eyes twinkled a light blue in color as she looked at her grandpa.
And behind them all, were the two had both longed and feared to see the most..... His daughter Sasha, and his son Matheau Jr. All three of them, identical in almost every way, born with the same blood in their veins. And both Sasha and Matheau Jr. were born of the same seed.......His. The source of all his inner turmoil was here in his home....... Surprise indeed.
"You have no idea how long it took me to get all of them here!" Beijore said, coming to his side to smile up at him and nuzzle beneath his chin. "Actually, since you were only gone two hours, you do know how long it took. But look! We have a big dinner, and there are two grandaughters that we haven't met yet!" She eagerly took his paw and all but dragged him to the waiting meal. The dinner was filled with happy conversation, as well as the problem of feeding the squabbling, squalling hatchlings that were by now eating their own meat instead of the milk from their mother's breast. He also learned that his orange grandaughter's name was Firedawn, a perfect name to match her color. And the rare black beauty's name was Starlight, a name that Aurokhan boasted of picking himself.
"Don't get me wrong, I'm as proud of a daddy as you are, father." Aurokhan said as the dinner was drawing to a close. "But I was kind of disappointed that they were both girls. I really wanted a son of my own, you know? Ahhh, well. I guess there's always next time, right honey?" He gave Jocelyn a playful wink and got a playful swat in return. Matheau did his best to sound undisturbed, but he found his gaze lingering on Sasha or Matheau Jr. a little too long, and then found that Beijore was watching him. Even still, Matheau enjoyed spending time with his family, and the evening came to a close far too quickly for him. However, it seemed there was to be one more surprise before the night was out.
"Bye mom and dad!" Jocely said, nuzzling her parents as Aurokhan rounded up not only his daughter, but to Matheau's surprise, Beijara as well. "It's been fun, and well have to do it again soon. Don't worry, I'll have Aurokhan bring Beijara back in a few days so that you can have some time to yourselves." This being said, Matheau turned his head to see Sasha ather up Matheau Jr., Matthew, and Aurthur.
"I need to be getting home too." Sasha said, giving a yawn. "I'm sure the three of them will get along just fine, but having three boys is certainly going to be different." Striding to the lair's entrance, she gathered the boys carefully in her arms. "Bye everyone, I love all of you. I hope we can get together again soon." With a push of her hind legs and a flare of her wings, she was off. Jocelyn and Aurokhan nuzzled their parents and made their farewells before the too left for home.
"Well now, that was a good time, wasn't it honey?" Beijore asked, nuzzling her husband. "All of our family was together, we got to meet our granddaughters, and and we have a few days to ourselves now!" Matheau didn't seem near as excited as he should, especially since she was in heat, and doing nothing to mask her scent of need.
"Well, it will certainly be nice to have some quiet around here. After all, we haven't had the lair to ourselves since before our first clutch was born." He yawned widely and shook himself all over. "I don't know about you, love, but i've certainly had enough excitement for today. I'm ready for a good nights rest." He kissed her lips lightly, making her purr. "Come to bed, love, so we can curl up together and have a full night of undisturbed rest." She went with him eagerly, ready to be ravaged by him at last....... But it never happened. He curled up with her just like he said, and that was it. No touching, kissing, fondling, nothing! And he was asleep very quickly, and Beijore sighed unhappily. He could never keep his claws off her when she was in heat, it didn't make sense! She laid her head down and thought for a long while. She was going to have to do something drastic, and she was going to win back the mate she had fallen in love with, no matter what it took!