Chapter 1: Kobold's Journey
These stories revolve around a kobold making a journey across the land, his adventures of danger, victory, and loss. * * * cold.
Aurora: Chapter Four: The Journey
It was a several day's journey to varaz'khor; as varaz'khor was in the far north of vaagriklund and we were traversing mountainous territory, this was no day trip.
Magpie's Journey: Arrival at Moonsteppe
#9 of d&d next part in magpie's journey to moonsteppe to seek out something about themselves. why do they have a signet ring from this place? can our dragonborn use that with the mysterious conduit of kings to con their way into royalty?
Journey Begins - (Kreet 99)
We were prepared for this journey, kreet." "well that certainly makes things easier! um... did he teach you how to cross a river like that?" scythe turned to face the scene before them. "i don't think so.
Chapter 4 - The Journey Begins
"and i'm sure we can get everything we need here for our journey." she looks over to a clothes dresser. _well...
Summerwind's Journey, Part 1
#5 of the blazewood pack saga summerwind's journey, part 1 by nightcatcher blackwolf the sky was dark blue... and yet, it seemed wrong. the blue was... too blue, too real.
The Shadows of Tomorrow- Journey to the Mountains
I was set to die here in a meaningless journey." sighed kane. "not all journeys are meaningless, espeically yours. you will find strength in you to keep on going." kane's mind was in a jumble, "no! everything so far in my life has been a lie.
Pokémon Journey (pt 1)
#1 of pokemon journey! this story (as a whole, not just any single part) contains human- pokémon sex, m/m action, swearing, watersports etc.
The Journey to Acceptance Pt. 3
#3 of the journey to acceptance first i would like to say that this chapter was written by banehollow as a means to help me get past my writers block on this story.
Pt 21 - The Druid's Journey
But they'd been on top of the world long ago, ever since they'd first become one, so they found themselves once more focusing on each other as they left to continue their journey.
Intervention - Journeys Opening Chapter
We're picking up supplies for the next leg of our journey." "ah, i see. where are you headed?" he asked.
Journey's Start (Kreet 89)
And _do_ send back missives so that i may track your journey for the bishop. assuming you manage to retain the power to write." "i will do so! goodbye mr. feltix!"